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User:Viatos/Ninja, Variant (3.5e Class)

15,712 bytes added, 08:12, 11 March 2011
I promise, it's better then it sounds!
|date_created=25 March 2010
{{3.5e Class Semantic
|description=Skilled and deadly warriors who temper finesse and technique with powerful, specialized psionics.



Ninjas are a mystery; ghosts in the night, masters of stealth and murder.

===Making a Ninja===

Ninjas are great choices for a party looking for a secondary melee combatant who can synergize well with a heavier warrior (such as a barbarian or warblade) and provide some out-of-combat utility. They're not as skilled as rogues, but they can excel within the narrow focus of your choice.

'''Abilities:''' Ninjas are stealthy melee combatants who excel at finesse over brute force. As such, they benefit from a high Dexterity and a decent Constitution. Wisdom is the defining feature for most of their class abilities.

'''Races:''' Any.

'''Alignment:''' Any.

'''Starting Gold:''' 5d4×10 GP (125 GP).

'''[[SRD:Race Descriptions#Starting Age|Starting Age]]:''' As [[sorcerer]].

{| class="zebra d20"
<div>{{Anchor|Table 1-1: The Ninja}}</div>
Hit Die: d6
! rowspan="2" | Level
! rowspan="2" | [[BAB|Base<br/>Attack Bonus]]
! colspan="3" | [[SRD:Saving Throw|Saving Throw]]s
! rowspan="2" | Special
! rowspan="2" | Breath
! [[SRD:Saving Throw#Fortitude|Fort]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Reflex|Ref]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Will|Will]]
|1st|| class="left" | +1 || +0 || +2 || +0
| class="left" | [[#Moonless Chantry|Moonless Chantry Construction]], [[#Trapfinding|Trapfinding]], Weapon Finesse || 1
|2nd|| class="left" | +2 || +0 || +3 || +0
| class="left" | [[#Shadow Arts|Shadow Art]] (Evening), [[#Vanish|Vanish]] || 1
|3rd|| class="left" | +3 || +1 || +3 || +1
| class="left" | [[#Sneak Attack|Sneak Attack]] +1d6 || 2
|4th||class="left" | +4 || +1 || +4 || +1
| class="left" | [[#Shadow Arts|Shadow Art]] || 2
|5th||class="left" | +5 || +1 || +4 || +1
| class="left" | [[#Vanish|Haunting Vanish]] || 3
|6th||class="left" | +6/+1 || +2 || +5 || +2
| class="left" | [[#Shadow Arts|Shadow Art]], [[#Sneak Attack|Sneak Attack]] +2d6 || 3
|7th||class="left" | +7/+2 || +2 || +5 || +2
| class="left" | [[#Vanish|Spectre Dynasty Inheritance]] || 4
|8th||class="left" | +8/+3 || +2 || +6 || +2
| class="left" | [[#Shadow Arts|Shadow Art]] || 4
|9th||class="left" | +9/+4 || +3 || +6 || +3
| class="left" | [[#Sneak Attack|Sneak Attack]] +3d6 || 5
|10th||class="left" | +10/+5 || +3 || +7 || +3
| class="left" | [[#Shadow Arts|Shadow Art]] (Dusk) || 5
|11th||class="left" | +11/+6/+1 || +3 || +7 || +3
| class="left" | [[#Vanish|Killing Ghost]] || 6
|12th||class="left" | +12/+7/+2 || +4 || +8 || +4
| class="left" | [[#Shadow Arts|Shadow Art]], [[#Sneak Attack|Sneak Attack]] +4d6 || 6
|13th||class="left" | +13/+8/+3 || +4 || +8 || +4
| class="left" | [[#Vanish|Traceless Phantom's Journey]] || 7
|14th||class="left" | +14/+9/+4 || +4 || +9 || +4
| class="left" | [[#Shadow Arts|Shadow Art]] || 7
|15th||class="left" | +15/+10/+5 || +5 || +9 || +5
| class="left" | [[#Sneak Attack|Sneak Attack]] +5d6 || 8
|16th||class="left" | +16/11/+6/+1 || +5 || +10 || +5
| class="left" | [[#Shadow Arts|Shadow Art]] || 8
|17th||class="left" | +17/12/+7/+2 || +5 || +10 || +5
| class="left" | [[#Vanish|Five Winds Scattering]] || 9
|18th||class="left" | +18/13/+8/+3 || +6 || +11 || +6
| class="left" | [[#Shadow Arts|Shadow Art]], [[#Sneak Attack|Sneak Attack]] +6d6 || 9
|19th||class="left" | +19/+14/+9/+4 || +6 || +11 || +6
| class="left" | [[#Vanish|Blood-Drenched Wraith Revelation]] || 10
|20th||class="left" | +20/+15/+10/+5 || +6 || +12 || +6
| class="left" | [[#Shadow Arts|Shadow Art]] (Midnight) || 10
|- class="noalt"
| colspan="42" class="skill" |
'''Class Skills (4 + [[SRD:Intelligence|Int]] modifier per level, &times;4 at 1st level)'''<br/>
The ninja’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Autohypnosis ([[Wis]]), Balance ([[Dex]]), Bluff ([[Cha]]), Climb ([[Str]]), Craft ([[Int]]), Disable Device ([[Dex]]), Disguise ([[Cha]]), Escape Artist ([[Dex]]), Gather Information ([[Cha]]), Hide ([[Dex]]), Jump ([[Str]]), Listen ([[Wis]]), Martial Lore ([[Int]]), Move Silently ([[Dex]]), Open Lock ([[Dex]]), Profession ([[Wis]]), Search ([[Int]]), Sense Motive ([[Wis]]) Sleight of Hand ([[Dex]]), Spot ([[Wis]]), and Swim ([[Str]]).

====Class Features====

All of the following are class features of the ninja.

'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency ([[Ex]]):''' A ninja is proficient with all simple weapons, martial weapons, and light armor.

'''{{Anchor|Moonless Chantry}} (Ex):''' The core of a ninja's supernatural talent is this, the development of her soul into a temple of supernatural fortitude and determination. A ninja's Moonless Chantry serves as a gathering pool for reserves of psionic power called Breath; she expends uses of Breath to power her class abilities.

Her pool of Breath begins at 1 + her Wisdom modifier, and she gains an additional use every odd level as shown on [[#Table 1-1: The Ninja]]. She recovers all expended Breath after each extended rest. As long as she has at least one use of Breath remaining, she gains a +2 bonus to Will and Fortitude saves.

'''{{Anchor|Trapfinding}} (Ex):''' As the rogue class feature[].

'''{{Anchor|Weapon Finesse}} (Ex):''' The ninja gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat.

'''{{Anchor|Shadow Arts}} (Special):''' A ninja's meditations awaken her body and mind's hidden potential and allow her to create techniques made possible by the synergy of both. At first, she may only select from Evening Arts; at 10th level, she unlocks access to Dusk Arts, which are supernatural in nature. At 20th level, she crests the pinnacle of her abilities and learns a single Midnight Art. Shadow Arts may only be chosen once unless stated otherwise.


:''Athletic Finesse (Ex):'' The ninja may use his Dexterity modifier in place of his Strength modifier for Climb, Jump, and Swim checks. By expending a point of Breath as a swift action, he may take 10 on a single Dexterity-based check.
:''Dance of Death (Ex):'' Whenever an opponent misses the ninja with a melee attack or the ninja strikes an opponent with a melee attack, she may expend a use of Breath to take a 5-foot step.
:''Evasion (Ex):'' As the rogue class feature[].
:''Fast Movement (Ex):'' The ninja's base land speed increases by 10ft. This ability may be chosen more then once; its effects stack.
:''Ghost's Knack (Ex):'' The ninja gains a +2 insight bonus to Hide, Move Silently, and Sleight of Hand checks. This ability may be taken more then once; its effects stack.
:''Instinct Mastery (Ex):'' The ninja adds her Wisdom to her Initiative as long as she has at least one use of Breath remaining. By expending a point of Breath as a swift action, she may act in a surprise round even if she was surprised.
:''Poison Use (Ex):'' The ninja never risks injury while applying poison to a weapon.
:''Scale (Ex):'' The ninja gains a climb speed of 10ft as long as she has at least one use of Breath remaining. By expending a point of Breath as a swift action, she gains a climb speed equal to her base land speed until the end of the round.
:''Vault (Ex):'' The ninja is always treated as though he had a running start for the purpose of Jump checks. By expending a point of Breath as a swift action, he may double the distance of a single jump.
:''Wisdom of Tact (Ex):'' The ninja may use her Wisdom modifier in place of her Charisma modifier for Bluff, Disguise, and Gather Information checks. By expending a point of Breath as a swift action, she may take 10 on a single Wisdom-based check.


:''Ancient Tale of Agony Elicitation (Su):'' Whenever the ninja would deal precision damage, she may instead expend a use of Breath to force her target to make a DC 10 + 1/2 her class level + her Wisdom modfier Fortitude save or be stunned until the beginning of her next turn.
:''Cathedral-Soul Expansion (Ex):'' The ninja gains two additional uses of Breath.
:''Demon-Skinned War Stance (Su):'' By expending a use of Breath as a move action, the ninja may gain a single point of natural armor, which does not stack with any existing natural armor. As part of the same move action, she may spend additional uses of Breath to improve her natural armor bonus on a 1-for-1 basis, to a maximum of her Wisdom modifier in natural armor. She may select this ability a second time; doing so allows her to activate this ability as a free action.
:''Gruesome Jester Mockery (Su):'' Whenever the ninja drops an opponent, he may expend a use of Breath as a move action to force opponents with line of sight to him to make a DC 10 + 1/2 his class level + his Wisdom Modifier Will save or be nauseated for one round.
:''Terrible Beast Arrival Scream (Su):'' Whenever the ninja breaks an ''[[SRD:Invisibility|invisibility]]'' effect, she may spend a use of Breath as a swift action to force one opponent with line-of-sight to her to make a DC 10 + 1/2 her class level + her Wisdom modifier Will save or become frightened until the end of their next turn, after which they must attempt the save again or become shaken until the end of the encounter.
:''Unreasonable Assault Stratagem (Su):'' By expending a use of Breath as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the ninja may make a single melee or ranged attack against each opponent within 30ft.
:''Wicked Mantra (Ex):'' Whenever the ninja drops an opponent, she recovers a use of Breath.


:''Assassin Exemplar (Ex):'' Whenever you would deal precision damage, you may instead expend a use of Breath to force your target to make a Fortitude save against DC 10 + 1/2 your class level + your Wisdom modifier or die.
:''God-King of Murder (Ex):'' Double the critical threat range of any attack you make. This effect explicitly stacks with other effects that increase critical threat range. Increase the critical threat multiplier of any attack you make by 1.
:''Undoing of Warlocks:'' You may add your Wisdom modifier to all saves. By expending a use of Breath as an immediate action, you become immune to all spells and spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance until the beginning of your next turn.
:''Whispering Locust-Demon (Ex):'' Your base land speed increases by 30ft, and you may always take 10 on Dexterity-based skill checks. By expending a use of Breath as a swift action, you may take 20 on any one Dexterity-based skill check.
:''Zen of Annihilation:'' Whenever you deal precision damage, you may recover a use of Breath.

'''{{Anchor|Vanish}} (Su):''' At 2nd level, the ninja may expend a use of Breath as a swift action to become [[SRD:Invisibility|invisible]] until the beginning of his next turn.

At 5th level, whenever he becomes invisible through this class feature, he may also become [[SRD:Etherealness|ethereal]] until the beginning of his next turn. In addition, as long as he has at least one use of Breath remaining, any attacks he makes are considered to have the ghost touch property.

At 7th level, he may become invisible and ethereal for a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom modifier by expending a use of Breath as a full-round action.

At 11th level, he may expend a use of Breath as a swift action to make his next attack a touch attack. In addition, as long as he has at least one use of Breath remaining, he may always see ethereal creatures as if he was under the effects of a permanent ''[[SRD:See_Invisibility|see invisibility]]'' spell.

At 13th level, he may expend a use of Breath as a move action to teleport his speed.

At 17th level, he may expend a use of Breath as an immediate action to vanish from existence for one round, reappearing within 30ft at the beginning of his next turn stunned (no save) for 1 round.

At 19th level, he may expend a use of Breath as a full-round action to duplicate the effects of ''[[SRD:Power_Word_Kill|power word: kill]]''

'''{{Anchor|Sneak Attack}} (Ex):''' As the rogue class feature[].

====Epic Ninjas====

{| class="zebra d20"
|+ class="epic" |
<div>{{Anchor|Table 1-2: The Epic Ninja}}</div>
Hit Die: d8
! Level !! Special
| 21st || class="left" | Sneak Attack +7d6
| 22nd || class="left" | Shadow Art
| 23rd || class="left" | Bonus Feat
| 24th || class="left" | Shadow Art, Sneak Attack +8d6
| 25th || class="left" | Bonus Feat
| 26th || class="left" | Shadow Art
| 27th || class="left" | Sneak Attack +9d6
| 28th || class="left" | Shadow Art
| 29th || class="left" | Bonus Feat
| 30th || class="left" | Shadow Art, Sneak Attack +10d6
|- class="noalt"

====Human Ninja Starting Package====

'''Weapons:''' Kukri.

'''Skill Selection:''' Pick a number of skills equal to 6 + [[Int]] modifier.

{| class="zebra d20"
! class="left" | Skill || Ranks || Ability || Armor<br/>Check<br/>Penalty
| class="left" | <-Skill name-> || <-4 for class skills and 2 for cross-class skills-> || <-Abbrieviated key ability-> || <-armor check penalty based on starting armor. If innapplicable put "&mdash;"->
| class="left" | <-Skill name-> || <-4 for class skills and 2 for cross-class skills-> || <-Abbrieviated key ability-> || <-armor check penalty based on starting armor. If inapplicable put "&mdash;"->
<-copy and paste the rows as necessary.->

'''Feat:''' Combat Expertise, Dodge

'''Gear:''' Chain shirt, mundane gear.

'''Gold:''' None.

===Campaign Information===

====Playing a Ninja====

'''Religion:''' Ninjas typically revere gods of stealth, trickery, night, or illusion. More spiritual ninjas might revere gods of civilization or nature according to inclination; more bloodthirsty ninjas might be found at the altars of gods of destruction or death.

'''Other Classes:''' Ninjas are likely to spark intense rivalries with rogues. The rest is up to the individual ninja; the class has a slight Lawful bent, but it's hardly definitive.

'''Combat:''' Ninjas are strong candidates for the party's primary DPS, possessing high mobility and useful battlefield skills.

'''Advancement:''' Dip some Swordsage, you'll do fine.

====Ninjas in the World====

{{quote|" " |orig= ninja}}

<-Where characters of this class fit in a d20 world.->

'''Daily Life:''' <-day in the life of a character of this class->.

'''Notables:''' <-notable NPCs of this class->.

'''Organizations:''' <-info on what, where, when, and how characters of this class congregtate and assemble->.

'''NPC Reactions:'''

====Ninja Lore====

Characters with ranks in Martial Lore or Knowledge (Arcana) can research ninjas to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

{| class="zebra d20"
|+ Martial Lore or Knowledge (Arcana)
! DC || class="left" | Result
| 10 || class="left" |
| 15 || class="left" |
| 20 || class="left" |
| 30 || class="left" |

====Ninjas in the Game====

<-How characters of this class fit in the game (PC and NPC) and what roles they play.->

'''Adaptation:''' <-Possible variant conceptions of this class.->.

'''Sample Encounter:''' <-DM placement for NPCs of this class.->.

''EL 10:'' <-Encounter scenario and character info on sample NPC including stat block. The CR of the NPC is typically the same as the EL for the encounter.->.

{{3.5e Base Classes Breadcrumb}}
[[Category:Base Class]]

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