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New Names for Old Monsters
:'''Tsukumogami:''' Tsukumogami can be one of two things: [[SRD:Animated Object|Animated objects]] or [[SRD:Intelligent Items|intelligent items]]. In folkloric terms, they are items, objects, and artifacts that have reached their 100th birthday and thus becomes alive and aware. Magic items and regular items become [[SRD:Intelligent Items|intelligent]], and things that cannot become intelligent items instead become [[SRD:Animated Object|animated objects]]. [[SRD:Animated Object|Animated Objects]] are considered to have an intelligence score of whatever is appropriate for the item (a sophisticated musical instrument will be more intelligent then an animated stirrup). Some tsukumogami also take class levels.
:'''Kumo ([[SRD:Aranea|Aranea]]):''' Kumo are shape-shifting animals (''henge''), similar to kitsune, that go from spider to human form, and a form in between. They are often portrayed in a bad light, even though they hail from Chikushudo, not Jigoku.
:'''Jikininki ([[Ghoul, Tome (3.5e Template)|Ghoul]]):''' Jikininki are spirits of greedy, selfish, or impetuous individuals with an immense craving for human flesh. Well, some of them are. Jikininki have a tendency to Ghoul Fever around and turn some of those who try and stop them into jikininki (usually these people are Majo-Kari).
:'''Ningyo ([[SRD:Merfolk|Merfolk]]):''' Ningyo are a race of red-hair merfolk. The only difference from the Merfolk in the Monster Manuel is that ningyo are often spellcasters.
:'''Garegosu no Bakemono ([[SRD:Fiendish Creature|Fiendish]] [[SRD:Giant Octopus|Giant Octopus]]):''' This demonic octopus is often summoned by servants of Jigoku. In addition to its normal abilities, it gains the Feed ability, similar to that of a [[SRD:Barghest|barghest]]: when it devours a humanoid corpse, it gains 1 HD per HD of the victim. This destroys the body and prevents any sort of ressurection that requires part of the corpse.
==New Monsters==

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