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100 Far Realm Occurrences (3.5e Other)

192 bytes added, 12:27, 25 May 2011
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| 90 || class="left" | Stuff || More Stuff
| 91 || class="left" | The Cozy Hut || On this strange a weird planeThe layer is disturbing and freaky as the far realm often is, this place does not look like it belongs; Its and in the middle of the madness is a small grassy meadow with a small cozy hut (A . The PCs will be safe from the horrors of the far realm here, but the hut is actually an advanced [[SRD:Mimic|Mimicmimic]] with 21 HD and the pseudonatural<sup>CA</sup> templatewhich is more than happy to wait for the PCs to take a nap inside of it.)
| 92 || class="left" | Silence || The plane is completely silent as if the ''[[SRD:Silence|silence]]'' spell. Nothing else occurs.

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