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Hezrou (3.5e Monster)

1,439 bytes added, 23:58, 1 June 2011
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|full_at=Bite +22 melee (4d4+10, x4) and 2 claws +17 melee (1d8+5)
|space=15 ft. |reach=15 ft.
|sa=[[#Improved Grab|Improved grab]], [[#Possession|Possession]], [[#Spell-Like Abilities|spell-like abilities]]
|sq=[[#Bounding Assault|Bounding assault]], [[#Infectious Rage|infectious rage]], [[#Haste|haste]], immunity to fire and [[SRD:Poisons|poison]], [[#Path of Flames|path of flames]], [[#Rage|rage]], resistance to acid 15, cold 15, and electricity 15, [[SRD:Spell Resistance and Spell Immunity#Spell Resistance (Ex)|spell resistance]] 21, [[SRD:Telepathy|telepathy]] 100 ft., [[#True Sight|true sight]]
|fort=+19 |ref=+10 |will=+11
The flames also create a shroud of putridly stinking smoke, granting the hezrou [[SRD:Concealment|concealment]] (but also allowing it to be seen for the purposes of its [[#Infectious Rage|infectious rage]] ability) and forcing anyone that comes within its melee reach to be subject to the effects of a ''[[SRD:Stinking Cloud|stinking cloud]]'' spell (DC 27). This save is Constitution-based. Hezrou are immune to the effects of this ability, whether theirs or that of another hezrou.
'''{{Anchor|Possession}] ([[Su]]):''' As a full-round action, a hezrou may shed its material form and all normal abilities to become incorporeal as it attempts to possess a creature (see [[Liber Demonica (3.5e Sourcebook)/LD2#Possession|this page]] for complete rules on demonic possession). The saves against this ability and all related abilities described below are Charisma-based, with a DC equal to 19. The hezrou may also attempt to possess someone without losing its physical form if they come under the effects of its [[#Infectious Rage|infectious rage]].
A creature possessed by a hezrou possesses the feeling that their flesh is burning; while this may initially seem to be a mental symptom, examination of the host with a true seeing spell reveals that the creature is in fact covered in invisible flames of Abyssal nature, which cause no real harm to the host or others but are quite distracting, both to the possessed creature and anyone unfortunate enough to notice. These flames also serve as a convenient marker to other demons to display the location of the possessor.
Less noticeable but equally prevalent are the murderous and angry feelings the hezrou’s presence creates within its host, which occasionally spill out in fits of rage when the demon presses. A hezrou that inflicts the bane condition upon its host causes them to gain the full benefits of their infectious rage ability.
'''{{Anchor|Spell-Like Abilities:}}''' At-will - [[SRD:Greater Teleport|''greater teleport'']] (self plus 50lb of objects only). Caster level 11th.

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