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|prereqs=Sneak Attack +5d6
|fluff=After watching the master transmuter carefully, you were able to steal a few tricks from him and adapt them to your tastes.
|benefit=Your successful sneak attack forces your opponent to make a [[SRD:Fortitude|Fortitude]] save DC 10 + the number of sneak attack dice you possess + your dexterity modifier or else be [[SRD:Baleful Polymorph|polymorphed]] into a sheep (use the statistics for a [[SRD:Donkey|donkey]]) for 1 round. A single opponent is only required to make a single saving throw against Using this effect each round, even if you hit multiple times and activate this ability for each of those attacks. This feat is a [[Su|supernatural]] effect.
Using this feat uses all of your sneak attack dice.
|special=Any opponent that rolls a saving throw against one of your [[Su|supernatural]] Ambush feats does not need to make any additional saving throws against such feats until your next turn.