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Fallen (3.5e Variant Rule)

83 bytes added, 03:33, 30 September 2011
Rule Mechanics: try this
=== Rule Mechanics ===
Firstly, there are no more negative hit points. Heres how it breaks down once you hit 0 hit points:
*Once an attack leaves you with 0 or fewer hit points, you are '''Fallen'''. You become immune to healing spells, though ressurection spells are still effective. You have a number of rounds equal to your classes hit die type plus your Contitution modifier (Multiclass character use the average between their classes hit die) before you make a Fortitude save at DC (10+the damage of the attack that reduced you to Fallen+half for each die of all total damage taken since Fallen). Success or a succesful Heal check for first aid get you to the Stable condition. Failure means you're Dead.
*'''Stable''' characters remain in their current state for a number of minutes equal to their Contitution score. Again, healing spells do not affect them, but ressurection spells are still effective. During this time, Heal checks for long term care are needed, with success indicating that the character is Recovering. If such care or a ressurection spell is not administered during this time, the character becomes Dead.
*'''Dead''' characters have passed on, and are immune to all forms of ressurection aside from Wish and Miracle.
*'''Recovering''' characters wait a number of days equal to 20-their Constituion score. If the result would be 0 or less, they instead wait a number of hours equal to 20+minus their Constitution modifier. After this time period, they regain consiousness and resume their natural healing rate. Healing spells cast while a character is recovering reduce recovery time at a rate of 1 hour for every 10 points of healingor ever successful long term care Heal check made each hour. The Heal spell eliminates Recovery time immediately and natural healing sets in, as does a DC 30 Heal check.
==== Other Factors ====

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