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|1st|| class="left" | +1 || +0 || +2 || +0
| class="left" | [[#Moonless Chantry|Moonless Chantry Construction]], [[#Alacrity|Alacrity]], Weapon Finesse || 1
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Her pool of Breath begins at 1 + her Wisdom modifier, and she gains an additional use every odd level as shown on [[#Table 1-1: The Ninja]]. She may take a full-round action which provokes attacks of opportunity to recover a single use of Breath; she cannot spend Breath in any round she meditates in this fashion (nor initiate meditation in a round in which she has spent Breath). As long as she has at least one use of Breath remaining, she gains a +2 bonus to Will and Fortitude saves.
''Athletic Finesse '{{Anchor|Alacrity}} (Ex):''' The ninja may use his Dexterity modifier in place of his Strength modifier for Climb, Jump, and Swim checks. By expending a point of Breath as a swift action, he may take 10 on a single Dexterity-based or Climb, Jump, or Swim check.
'''{{Anchor|Weapon Finesse}} (Ex):''' The ninja gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat.