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Talk:3.5e Monsters

433 bytes added, 06:14, 29 April 2012
no edit summary
== Reorganization by type? ==
Is it possible for someone (I'd try to do it) reorganize this page by monster TYPE or monster CATEGORY? Like instead of having all the dragons in different places on the list, to just consolidate them to 1 portion of the list so that someone who wants to pick through the list just for dragons can find what he was looking for faster instead of having to Control-F search or tab-search the whole list? Just wondering if that can be done. Sure would make this list look neater and nicer, too. So, instead of reading "super duper dragon blah blah blah" how about we instead reorganize the table into something like "Dragon, super duper", or "Dragon, less-than-stellar" (for example)? It would make much more sense in terms of order. [[User:ProphetPX| --ProphetPX]] 06:12, 29 April 2012 (UTC)
== Dead/Old Link ==
The entry for "Artathi, Letathen" on here is dead or not linked properly. The original page got deleted and moved a few times so this may be why. Since it is sorted from a database query, there is no way I can fix the link for it from here :( Please forward the link to this right page for it: [[Publication:Mythic_Races_(3e)/Artathi/Letathen]] Thanks. [[User:ProphetPX| --ProphetPX]] 06:14, 29 April 2012 (UTC)

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