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Talk:Races of War (3.5e Sourcebook)/Equipment

1,477 bytes added, 02:01, 7 August 2012
Just like to call BS
:::Skill ranks are just a way of ensuring that things are level appropriate without specifically giving things at character level X (so that anyone and everyone could utilize an item) or BAB +Y, where only martial classes might benefit, for instance. It is a way of offering level appropriate abilities to a certain category of characters, and not to others. It more adaptable than saying 'only rogues can wear Z,' and such lists are at odds with further homebrew. The skills are, in that sense, the tie in to 3.5e, in internal constant that allows these to link to aspects of the game. -- [[User:Jota|Jota]] 00:48, 7 August 2012 (UTC)
::::I've seen a system (which I prefer) that does scale with character level. And I don't have a problem with scaling by ranks per se, but when the skill is completely unrelated to the abilities granted, it makes no sense. How does a silent sneaky person suddenly have the ability to snort, inject, and guzzle oil of taggit or other poisons when they don some armor? If you want to grant a certain category of abilities to a certain group, why not at least make the skill roughly correspond to the ability granted? Make poison immunity linked to Craft(poison), Heal, or even Survival? Why not make Tumble instead of Diplomacy give a deflection bonus? Now I'm still on the fence if there is a problem to be solved here, perhaps leaning toward the cause of making some classes more versatile. But in the end, this seems like a kludge at best. If classes are the problem, make variant classes; people have made many nice ones. But packaging random class features in nonmagical wearables that are often supernatural, spell-like, or just magic item effects doesn't make sense in game. Why is an intimidating man in scale mail immune to fist fights, while the same man without the armor or a non-intimidating liar in scale mail is not? If you can yank an extra move action out of 20gp worth of cords and *immunity* to cold from 30 gp of winter clothes, why is magic special and supernatural? Why is there even a mundane category? Why?--[[User:Quey|Quey]] 02:01, 7 August 2012 (UTC)

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