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User:ThunderGod Cid/Archfiends

1,720 bytes added, 01:12, 16 August 2012
'''{{Anchor|Alter Reality}} ([[Sp]]):''' Demogorgon has the ability to advance his portfolio. This is considered identical to the ''[[SRD:Wish|wish]]'' spell, but may only be used to produce effects appropriate to Demogorgon's portfolio or goals. Demogorgon may only use this ability once per minute.
'''{{Anchor|Flesheater}} ([[Ex]]):''' Perhaps Demogorgon’s most fearsome tactic is literally and wholly consuming its foes, taking not only their flesh but also their minds and abilitiesvitality. When it dies, Demogorgon gains access attempts to consume any spellssurrounding creatures, martial maneuverswhich usually includes its killers. All creatures within Medium Range (340 feet) must make a Fortitude save (DC ??) or be drawn into Demogorgon and fully assimilated into its body. Doing so permanently imprisons the creature’s soul and destroys their body, spell-like abilities, or maneuver-like abilities accessible and in so doing heals Demogorgon by a number of hit points equal to the number of hit points the assimilated creature it has swallowed so long as they still remain alive in its stomachleft over. Use of this ability renders Demogorgon unconscious for 24 hours.
When '''{{Anchor|Godlike}}:''' Although Demogorgon is not a true deity, it dieshas many of the powers of such. It can grant spells to clerics, Demogorgon attempts and gives access to consume any surrounding creaturesthe [[Chaos (3.5e Cleric Domain)|Chaos]], which usually includes its killers[[Corrupt (3. All creatures within Medium Range 5e Cleric Domain)|Corrupt]], [[Evil (340 feet3.5e Cleric Domain) must make a Fortitude save |Evil]], [[Insanity (DC ??3.5e Cleric Domain) or be drawn into Demogorgon |Insanity]], and fully assimilated into its body[[Vivisection (3.5e Cleric Domain)|Vivisection]] domains. Doing so permanently imprisons Its favoured weapon is the creature’s soul [[Three Section Staff (3.5e Equipment)|three section staff]], and its portfolio is cannibalism, conflict, demons, and destroys their bodymadness.
Additionally, Demogorgon is immune to any attack that changes its form, mind-affecting effects, ability damage, ability drain and energy drain, unless such an effect comes from a creature that has a caster level or character level (or CR, for monsters) over 20. Lastly, Demogorgon can burn off some of its essence to stop magic dead in its tracks. As a free action that can be used outside of its turn, Demogorgon can lose 55 hit points to counter any spell, supernatural ability or spell-like ability in Medium range, as if by [[SRD:Greater Dispel Magic|''greater dispel magic'']] (although it can counter supernatural and spell-like abilities as if they were spells). This ignores temporary hit points, and can be used any number of times. For any ability with an ongoing or permanent duration, this merely suppresses it for 6 rounds. '''{{Anchor|GodlikeLord of the Abyss}} {{Su}}:''' Although Demogorgon As the Prince of Demons possessing the power of the former Queen of Chaos in addition to its own, Demogorgon’s power is not a true deity, it has many capable of matching anything in the powers of suchAbyss. It can grant spells receives a +8 enhancement bonus to clericsattack rolls and damage rolls, a +8 resistance bonus to all saves and gives access a +6 deflection bonus to the [[Chaos (3AC. Demogorgon also has maximum hit points per hit die.5e Cleric Domain) '''{{Anchor|Chaos]], Ravage Form}} ([[Corrupt (3.5e Cleric Domain)|CorruptSp]]):''' As a full-round action, Demogorgon may bestow its ravage on a creature eligible to gain a level. That creature gains its first level in the [[Evil Ravaged By Demogorgon (3.5e Cleric DomainRacial Paragon Class)|Evilravaged by Demogorgon racial paragon class]], [[Insanity (3.5e Cleric Domain)|Insanity]]If Demogorgon attempts to ravage an unwilling creature, and [[Vivisection it receives a DC 35 Will save to resist (3.5e Cleric DomainCha-based)|Vivisection]] domains. Its favoured weapon is the three-section staff, and its portfolio is conflict, demons, and madness.
AdditionallyIf Demogorgon wishes, he can attempt to share the senses of a creature that has at least one level in ravaged by Demogorgon is immune . This works identically to a [[SRD:Scrying|''scrying'']] spell, except it must be centered on the creature in question. In addition, Demogorgon maintains a constant ''[[SRD:Telepathic Bond|telepathic bond]]'' (which reaches across any distance and plane) with any attack that changes its formcreature with at least one level in ravaged by Demogorgon. The creature doesn't get any say in the matter. Demogorgon may use either of these abilities at will, mind-affecting effectswith a caster level of 24th. Additionally, if any creature with at least one level in ravaged by Demogorgon attempts to affect Demogorgon or the area within 20 miles of him with any ability damage, ability drain and energy drain, unless such an effect comes from Demogorgon may choose to use [[SRD:Dominate Monster|''dominate monster'']] on that creature as a free action that he can use even outside of his turn. The creature that receives a DC 35 save as normal. This has a caster level or character level (or CRof 24th, for monsters) over 20and the DC is Charisma-based.
Lastly, Demogorgon can burn off some As the Prince of its essence to stop magic dead in its tracks. As a free action that can be used outside Demons and the greatest of its turnall demonkind, Demogorgon can lose XX hit points to counter any spell, supernatural ability or spell-like ability in Medium range, as if by also create [[SRD:Greater Dispel MagicRetriever (3.5e Racial Paragon Class)|''greater dispel magic''retrievers]] (although it can counter supernatural and spell-like abilities as if they were spells). This ignores temporary hit pointsThe process is identical to applying his normal ravage, and can be used any number but is subject to the usual restrictions of times. For any ability with an ongoing or permanent duration, this merely suppresses it for 6 roundsbecoming a retriever.
===Demogorgon'''{{Anchor|Lord of the Abyss}} {{Su}}:''' As the Prince of Demons possessing the power of the former Queen of Chaos in addition to its own, Demogorgon’s power is capable of matching all but the strongest of its peers. It receives a +8 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls, a +8 resistance bonus to all saves and a +6 deflection bonus to AC. Demogorgon also has maximum hit points per hit die.s Worshipers===

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