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Heart of Air (3.5e Equipment)

71 bytes added, 21:10, 28 August 2012
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*Cloudrunner: Your body can waltz in the sky as easily as you walk. You gain a fly speed of 10 ft. per HD (maximum 200 ft at 20 HD) with good maneuverability, and even on land you no longer take penalties for moving in difficult terrain. Your body becomes lightweight, allowing you to [[SRD:Feather Fall|feather fall]] as an [[extraordinary]] effect. In addition you gain the [[SRD:Silver Dragon|cloudwalking]] ability of silver dragons. When mobile you gain bonuses on your Reflex saves during that round, getting a +1 circumstance bonus to Reflex saves for every 20 ft. you have moved in that round. On close inspection, your body no longer touches the ground but floats a half-inch above the terrain, even at rest.
*Elemental Servant: An air elemental is bound into your soul, allowing you to call (or dismiss) an elemental cohort as a standard action. The elemental's size and level is based on your HD, and is the same elemental each time. This elemental is 1-3 HD (Small), 4-6 HD (Medium), 7-9 HD (Large), 10-12 HD (Huge), 13-15 HD (Greater), 16-18 HD (Elder), 19-20 HD (Elder +3 HD added). In addition you learn the associated elemental language, Auran. If your elemental dies, it cannot be returned until a raise dead or similar spell is cast, which functions normally in spite of the [[elemental]] traits.
*Impossible Evasion: You push your body and mind to the limits, entering a sort of "evasive rage". Succeed on a [[concentration]] check DC 15, and gain +4 to [[Dex]] and [[Wis]], +2 on all skill checks based on movement and sensing information, and -2 attack rolls as your body is overcome by constant erratic motion. You also gain [[evasion]]. If you already possess evasion you gain [[improved evasion]]. If you already possess improved evasion you gain mettle, allowing you to avoid even the otherwise unavoidable targeting of spells which affect [[Fort]] and [[Will]] saves on a successful saving throw. This evasive rage lasts for 3+your newly modified [[wisdom]] modifier rounds, and is often accompanied by the sound of wind and trails of vapor. When it ends you are [[shaken]] for 1 minute as your mind reels from the effort. You can only enter impossible evasion 1/encounter, but and while you may perform an impossible evasion over and over. Each enter it any number of times per day, each time you doso, the DC on the concentration check to enter it rises by +5for the rest of the day. This increase stacks with itself.
If the heart of air is held in hand, it grants it's user several [[spell-like abilities]]. A heart of air has 20 charges and recovers them at 1 charge per day. Each spell level consumes that many charges (a 8th level spell is 8 charges, a 3rd level spell is 3 charges, a 0th level spell is 0 charges and thus can be used at will). It uses its current wielder's HD as its caster level and it's wielder's primary casting score (default [[Cha]] for non-casters). A user can only use spells up to a level available as a [[wizard]] of his level. So, a 13 HD character can only cast up to 7th level spells.
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