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|hd=12d10+60 |hp=126
|speed=fly 230 ft. (average), max fly 110,056,000 560 ft.
|ac=28 (+10 dex**, +10 natural, -2 size) |touch=18 |flat=18
|bab=+9 |grapple=-
'''Combat Vehicle Traits:''' The Shrike is a vehicle, and as such has no motive force of its own and is technically an object, not a creature. However when manned by a pilot, it gains the mental ability scores, initiative, skills, and base saving throws (if better) of its pilot, while using its own strength and dexterity scores (unless the pilot's dexterity is higher, then use that). Use the pilot's feats plus any bonus feats the vehicle has.
As long as the pilot is within the vehicle, he has total cover and concealment and cannot be targettedtargeted. If the vehicle is destroyed while the pilot is still inside, they take the full damage of the killing blow and are exposed (and probably falling to their death). You can use Profession (Pilot) checks to perform certain stunts and abilities with this vehicle.
As a combat vehicle, it is treated as a fortified object. It takes half damage from most ranged attacks, half damage from fire, force, and electric attacks, a quarter damage from cold, and normal damage from acid and sonic damage, and from seige siege weapon attacks (hardness applies in all cases). A Shrike's own weaponry is considered to be seige siege weapons.
The Shrike's body may be enhanced as if it were a suit of light armor.
The Shrike counts as a huge quadraped quadruped for the purpose of carrying capacity. It's light load is 8304 lbs, its medium load 8305 lbs-16,632 lbs, and it's heavy load 16,633 lbs-24,960 lbs. If it exceeds its light load its speed drops to 2/3rd normal. If it exceeds its heavy load, it cannot fly. It's maximum dexterity is not restricted by medium or heavy loads, but instead its dexterity reduced by 2 (for medium) or 6 (for heavy).
'''Ejection Seat {{Ex}}:''' As an immediate action, the pilot can activate the ejection seat in an attempt to escape. The cockpit shoots out of the vehicle and launches them 120 feet into the air. They proceed to deploy a parachute, which duplicates the effect of ''[[SRD:Feather Fall|feather fall]]'' for the entire way downward. If the ejection seat is used at the moment the vehicle is destroyed, the pilot must make a [[Reflex]] save with a DC equal to the excess damage over that which is required to destroy the vehicle. If the save succeeds, the ejection seat functions and the pilot escapes the blast. If they fail, the vehicle and ejection seat are destroyed. If the pilot is not dead from the destruction, he may perish from the resulting fall.
'''Inertial Motion {{Ex}}:''' The Shrike has a movement speed of 230 ft. (average) and a minimum foward forward speed of 115 ft., but it is capable of speeds much faster than that. If moving in a straight line, it adds its speed to its previous movement made in the round, up to its maximum fly speed of 110,056,000 560 ft (1200 mph). You can move at your previous speed without speeding up or slowing down without spending a move action. If slowing down it can cut its speed in half each round with a move action, until it reaches the desired speed.
Going faster than normal adjusts the amount of space needed to turn. Multiply the number of times faster than your movement speed you're traveling by the cost of turning (5 feet for average). For example, at maximum speed you are traveling 4591 45 times your normal speed, so you need 22,956 229 ft (4 miles) to make a 45 degree turn. This usually isn't important, as this is certainly overland movement at those speeds and not something employed in tactical combat. Tactical combat rarely exceeds twice your movement speed, or 5000 ft. if its doing strafing runs.
Attempting to strike targets at high speed becomes increasingly more difficult the faster you go. For every 1000 ft. you are traveling faster compared to your target, you take a -1 penalty to attack rolls, and a +1 dodge bonus to AC. At your maximum speed, you are taking a -1000 10 penalty to attack and +1000 10 to AC compared to stationary targets.
'''Payload {{Ex}}:''' The Shrike has 11 hardpoints on which to add various weapons suitable for an aircraft. The typical Shrike is equipped with 6 Air-to-Air Sidewinder missiles, 4 Anti-Ship Penguin missiles, and 1 Chaff Pod. It can fire a missile as a standard action.