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Philosopher (3.5e Class)

179 bytes added, 16:58, 16 October 2012
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== The Deviant Philosopher ==
The nature of the universe is ever shifting. Mostly this nature passes by the people that live it, but there are certain individuals who devote their lives to this most exclusive of understanding. Through learning and experiences that may be religious, enlightening, ascetical or even purely for the self, the deviant philosopher gains unfathomable understanding of the world. His findings may seem trivial to most, but the tiniest smidgeon of lore, the smallest hint of life or growth, and the most inconspicuous omen may contribute to the Deviant’s philosopher’s preternatural senses. Through a constant search for understanding and self-renewal, the deviant a philosopher learns to see with different eyes. The deviant philosopher practices things such as history, lore, philosophy and oratory performance. An esteemed and humble traveler and teller, two old eccentrics seeking mutual understanding over a game of chess, the devout that travels to the outer realms to petition his deity in order to reach a higher plane of understanding; these can all be deviantsphilosophers.
The name deviant comes from the fact that the deviant’s outlook on life, philosophy and way of living are mostly always different from the law abiding city folk, whereas also veering from the selfish desires of the self-serving. They bear the name deviant with === Making a sense of well mannered and restrained pride.Philosopher ===
=== Making Philosophers aren’t combatants, nor are they handymen. They are observers of the highest tier, seeking patterns in life and distilling their experiences to gain knowledge. They discern, detect and reveal, preferably without having to bash or render the entire area to flame. The philosopher seeks a Deviant ===strange form of balance between inward focus and interaction with the environment, since in both of these things can be found wisdom and understanding. Especially in areas rife with magical effects, a philosopher is invaluable; their many methods of observation help them to see things that other characters usually miss. Philosophers have a strange hardiness to effects of the mind and the body and their integral understanding of both arcane and divine magic through their spellcraft grants them a nearly unsurpassed resilience to such forces. A philosopher lets a place he travels to touch him, but he does not touch them. A philosopher pays respect without either strong adherence or compulsive obsession.
Deviants aren’t combatantsThe philosopher is a class that encourages pure roleplaying, nor are they handymen. They are observers and that is campaign specific to an extent of the highest tier, seeking patterns in life and distilling their experiences to gain knowledgecampaign’s immersive quality. They discernDetailed campaigns where interaction, detect intrigue and revealmystery are the most important pivots, preferably without having to bash or render the entire area to flame. The deviant seeks campaigns with a strange form detailed background and well designed and full systems of balance between inward focus society and interaction with comradespantheons, will benefit the most from this class, since and will benefit this class the most in both of these things can be found wisdom and understandingturn. Especially in areas rife with magical effectsDespite this, a deviant the philosopher is invaluable; their many methods of observation help them not helpless when it comes to see things that other characters usually miss. Deviants have a strange hardiness to effects of the mind combat situations, his insight and the body and their integral understanding of both arcane and divine magic through their spellcraft grants them a nearly unsurpassed resilience senses often alerting him to such forces. A deviant lets a place he travels to touch him, but he does not touch them. A deviant is respect without either strong adherence or compulsive obsessiondangers before they strike.
The deviant is a class that encourages pure roleplayingIn life, philosophers are often rugged thinkers and that is campaign specific to an extent travelers, no amount of grime on their leather explorer outfit deterring them from the campaign’s immersive qualitynext insightful revelation on their lifetime journey. Detailed campaigns where interaction, intrigue Their versatile skill sets and mystery are the most important pivots, campaigns with travelworn nature make them easily more capable than a wizard or a detailed background and well designed and full systems of society and pantheons, will benefit sorcerer when on the most from this classroad, and will benefit this class the most in turn. Despite this, the deviant is not helpless when it comes to combat situations, his insight and senses often alerting him to dangers before they strikeeven though life's many peculiarities may more frequently halt their steps.
In life'''Abilities:''' [[SRD:Wisdom|Wisdom]] is very important for the philosopher, deviants are often rugged philosophersas it represents his ability to make sense of the inherent chaos of nature, no amount or the order of grime on their leather explorer outfit deterring civilization. [[SRD:Wisdom|Wisdom]] allows them to sieve the understanding from their quandary and apply it on the next insightful revelation on challenges they face, as well as increasing their perception as well as their lifetime journeyspells. Their versatile skill sets [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]] is important for the portion of a philosopher’s interaction with friend and travelworn nature make them easily more capable than foe alike. Furthermore, [[SRD:Intelligence|Intelligence]] is a wizard or a sorcerer when on boon for the knowledge that the road, even though life's philosopher requires in many peculiarities may more frequently halt their stepsdifferent areas of his discipline.
'''Abilities:''' [[Wisdom]] is very important for the deviant, as it represents his ability to make sense of the inherent chaos of nature, or the order of civilization. [[Wisdom]] allows them to sieve the understanding from their quandary and apply it on the challenges they face, as well as increasing their perception as well as their spells. [[Charisma]] is important for the portion of a deviant’s interaction with friend and foe alike. Furthermore, [[Intelligence]] is a boon for the knowledge that the deviant requires in many different areas of his discipline. '''Races:''' Amidst almost every sentient race of creatures, you will find those few individuals that devote a lifetime to understand. Whether it is their own civilization, the world or concepts such as life and death they wish to understand, such individuals may be deviantsphilosophers. Hence, deviants can occur philosophers exist within any demographicof sentient creatures.
'''Alignment:''' Any [[neutral]].
{| class="zebra d20"
<div>{{Anchor|Table: The DeviantPhilosopher}}</div>
Hit Die: d6
|2nd|| class="left" | +1 || +0 || +0 || +3
| class="left" | [[#Deviant PerceptionUnderstanding|Deviant PerceptionUnderstanding]]
|3rd|| class="left" | +2 || +1 || +1 || +3
| class="left" | [[#Deviant PerceptionUnderstanding|Deviant PerceptionUnderstanding]] (''[[SRD:Detect Evil|alignment]]'')
|5th||class="left" | +3 || +1 || +1 || +4
| class="left" | [[#Deviant Philosopher's Insight|Deviant Philosopher's Insight]] +1
|6th||class="left" | +4 || +2 || +2 || +5
| class="left" | [[#Deviant PerceptionUnderstanding|Deviant PerceptionUnderstanding]] (''[[SRD:Discern Lies|lies]]'')
|9th||class="left" | +6/+1 || +3 || +3 || +6
| class="left" | [[#Deviant PerceptionUnderstanding|Deviant PerceptionUnderstanding]] (''[[SRD:Detect Thoughts|thoughts]]'')
|10th||class="left" | +7/+2 || +3 || +3 || +7
| class="left" | [[#Greater Planar Turning|Greater Planar Turning]], [[#Deviant Philosopher's Insight|Deviant Philosopher's Insight]] +2
|12th||class="left" | +9/+4 || +4 || +4 || +8
| class="left" | [[#Commune|Commune]] 1/day, [[#Deviant PerceptionUnderstanding|Deviant PerceptionUnderstanding]] (''[[SRD:Arcane Sight|arcane sightarcana]]'')
|15th||class="left" | +11/+6/+1 || +5 || +5 || +9
| class="left" | [[#Deviant Philosopher's Insight|Deviant Philosopher's Insight]] +3
|18th||class="left" | +13/+8/+3 || +6 || +6 || +11
| class="left" | [[#True Sight|Greater True Sight]], [[#Deviant PerceptionUnderstanding|Deviant PerceptionUnderstanding]] (''[[SRD:Analyze Dweomer|analyze dweomerdweomers]]'')
|20th||class="left" | +15/+10/+5 || +6 || +6 || +12
| class="left" | [[#Commune|Commune]] 3/day, [[#Deviant Philosopher's Insight|Deviant Philosopher's Insight]] +4
|- class="noalt"
==== Class Features ====
All of the following are class features of the deviantphilosopher.
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' Deviants Philosophers are proficient with all simple weapons, and with one martial or exotic weapon of their choice. If the chosen weapon is exotic, the deviant philosopher gains [[Exotic Weapon Proficiency]] for that weapon for free at 1st level.
Deviants Philosophers are proficient with light and medium armor, but not with shields.
'''{{Anchor|Spells}}:''' A deviant philosopher casts spells that are divine in nature. Deviants Philosophers specialize in [[SRD:Divination School|divination]], although they can also cast some spells from other schools (mostly [[SRD:Universal School|universal]] spells and spells from the [[SRD:Abjuration School|abjuration]] school). See the [[#Deviant Philosopher Spell List|deviant philosopher spell list]] for what spells are available to the deviantphilosopher.
To prepare or cast a spell, a deviant philosopher must have a [[Wisdom]] score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The DC for a saving throw against a deviant’s philosopher’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the deviantphilosopher's [[SRD:Wisdom|Wisdom]] modifier.
Like other spellcasters, a deviant philosopher can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on [[#Table Deviant: The Philosopher|Table: The DeviantPhilosopher]]. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high [[SRD:Wisdom|Wisdom]] score. A high score however doesn't allow him to learn spells of a higher level than that he knows.
Deviants Philosophers choose their spells from the following list:
0&mdash;''[[SRD:Detect Magic|detect magic]]'', ''[[SRD:Detect Poison|detect poison]]'', ''[[SRD:Guidance|guidance]]'', ''[[SRD:Light|light]]'', ''[[SRD:Prestidigitation|prestidigitation]]'', ''[[SRD:Read Magic|read magic]]'', ''[[SRD:Resistance|resistance]]''.
9th&mdash;''[[SRD:Astral Projection|astral projection]]'', ''[[SRD:Etherealness|etherealness]]'', ''[[Gate|gate]]'', ''[[SRD:Mage's Disjunction|mage's disjunction]]'', ''[[Phenomenon Rejection (3.5e Spell)|phenomenon rejection]]'', ''[[SRD:Wish|wish]]''.
'''{{Anchor|Planar Turning}} ([[Su]]):''' A deviant philosopher is able to turn and rebuke [[SRD:Elemental Type|elementals]] and [[SRD:Outsider Type|outsiders]] in the same manner in which [[SRD:Cleric|clerics]] [[SRD:Turn or Rebuke Undead|turn or rebuke undead]]. The deviant philosopher chooses one particular alignment in relation to which he turns [[SRD:Outsider Type|outsiders]] ([[SRD:Chaotic Neutral|chaotic]], [[SRD:Neutral Evil|evil]], [[SRD:Neutral Good|good]] or [[SRD:Lawful Neutral|lawful]]). Outsiders of opposed alignment are rebuked. The deviant philosopher must choose an alignment that he has himself, unless he is [[SRD:Neutral|neutral]], in which case he may choose from all four. [[SRD:Elemental Type|Elementals]] have a similar restriction; the deviant philosopher chooses one of four constituent elemental subtypes ([[SRD:Air Subtype|Air]], [[SRD:Earth Subtype|Earth]], [[SRD:Fire Subtype|Fire]] or [[SRD:Water Subtype|Water]]) in relation to which he turns elementals, and rebukes elementals of directly opposed nature. For this purpose, [[SRD:Earth Subtype|Earth]] is opposed to [[SRD:Air Subtype|Air]], and [[SRD:Water Subtype|Water]] to [[SRD:Fire Subtype|Fire]].
For the purpose of calculating their susceptibility to turning, [[SRD:Outsider Type|outsiders]] have an effective [[SRD:Turn Resistance|turn resistance]] equal to half their [[SRD:Spell Resistance|spell resistance]], rounded down. Both planar turning check and planar turning damage use [[SRD:Wisdom|Wisdom]] instead of [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]]. Elementals and outsiders that are 'destroyed' are [[SRD:Banishment|banished]] to their home plane instead. [[SRD:Native Subtype|Native]] outsiders cannot be affected by planar turning. When using planar turning, deviants philosophers get a bonus to their effective deviant philosopher level equal to their [[#Insight|deviant philosopher's insight]] bonus if applicable. A deviant philosopher may use planar turning a number of times per day equal to 3 + his [[SRD:Wisdom|Wisdom]] modifier.
'''{{Anchor|Deviant PerceptionUnderstanding}} ([[{{Su]])}}:''' A deviantphilosopher's perception extends beyond normal senses. He may use this deviant perception borne from his supernatural comprehension of the cosmos a number of minutes per day equal to his class level. Usage of this ability may be spread over multiple usages, round down to 1 minute periods. When active, the deviant philosopher gains an additional bonus to [[SRD:Listen Skill|Listen]], [[SRD:Search Skill|Search]] and [[SRD:Spot Skill|Spot]] checks equal to half his deviant philosopher level. In addition to that, the following effects become available to the deviant philosopher while his deviant philosopher perception is active. All saving throw DCs tied to this ability are [[SRD:Wisdom|Wisdom]] based.
*When the deviant philosopher gets 5 ranks in [[SRD:Craft Skill|Craft]] (alchemy) and 5 ranks in [[SRD:Heal Skill|Heal]], his Deviant Perception Understanding includes a ''[[SRD:Detect Poison|detect poison]]'' effect. When the deviant philosopher gets 5 ranks in [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (nature) and 5 ranks in [[SRD:Survival Skill|Survival]], he gains a ''[[SRD:Detect Animals or Plants|detect animals or plants]]'' effect as well.*At 3rd level, the deviant philosopher gains the ability to detect auras belonging to alignment types (good, evil, law and chaos). This functions as ''[[SRD:Detect Goor|detect good]]'', ''[[SRD:Detect Evil|evil]]'', ''[[SRD:Detect Law|law]]'' or ''[[SRD:Detect Chaos|chaos]]'', depending on his opposed alignment for the purpose of [[#Planar Turning|planar turning]].*At 6th level, the deviant philosopher gains the ability to discern lies. This functions as the ''[[SRD:Discern Lies|discern lies]]'' spell. This effect allows a [[SRD:Saving Throw#Will|Will]] saving throw to be resisted.*At 9th level, the deviant philosopher gains the ability to skim surface thoughts of sentient beings. This functions as the ''[[SRD:Detect Thoughts|detect thoughts]]'' spell. This effect allows a [[SRD:Saving Throw#Will|Will]] saving throw to be resisted.*At 12th level, the deviant philosopher gains ''[[SRD:Arcane Sight|arcane sight]]''.*At 18th level, the deviant philosopher learns to discern all magical effects that act upon any item that he sees, as per the ''[[SRD:Analyze Dweomer|analyze dweomer]]'' spell.
'''{{Anchor|Banishing Strike}} ([[SRD:Supernatural Ability|Su]]):''' As a [[SRD:Standard Actions|standard action]], a deviant philosopher of 4th level or higher can force an [[SRD:Extraplanar Subtype|extraplanar]] creature back to its home plane with a successful melee [[SRD:Touch Attack|touch attack]], unless the creature succeeds on a [[SRD:Saving Throw#Will|Will]] saving throw with a DC of 10 + ½ deviantphilosopher's level + deviantphilosopher's [[SRD:Wisdom|Wis]] modifier. A deviant philosopher may attempt a banishing strike a number of times per day equal to half his class level.
'''{{Anchor|Deviant Philosopher's Insight}} ([[Ex]]):''' With experience comes insight. At 5th level, the deviant gains a +1 insight bonus to [[Armor Class]], [[Reflex]] saves and [[Wisdom]] based class skills. The deviant insight bonus furthermore applies to [[#Planar Turning|planar turning]] and the deviant gets double his deviant insight bonus to all [[SRD:Concentration Skill|Concentration]] checks. This insight bonus increases with another +1 every 5 levels thereafter (+2 at 10th level, +3 at 15th, and so forth).
'''{{Anchor|Planar Mastery}} ([[SRD:Supernatural Ability|Su]]):''' At 7th level a deviant can transport himself from one location to another on the same plane, as per the spell ''[[SRD:Teleport|teleport]]'' once per day. [[SRD:Caster Level|Caster level]] is equal to the deviant's class level. Also, the deviant gets a [[SRD:Spell Resistance|spell resistance]] of 5 + his class level to resist the effects of ''[[SRD:Dimensional Anchor|dimensional anchors]]'', ''[[SRD:Dimensional Lock|dimensional locks]]'' and other such effects that impede his magical travels.

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