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Dragon's Breath (3.5e Spell)

422 bytes added, 16:49, 1 November 2012
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The subject of this spell becomes able to use a breath weapon identical to that of a dragon, chosen from one of the following elements: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. Regardless of which damage type is chosen, the breath weapon is a supernatural ability that deals 1d6 points of damage per level (or point of Challenge Rating, if applicable) of the caster or the target, whichever is higher, with a successful Reflex save halving the damage dealt. The breath weapon is usable as a standard action and may take the shape of either a line (with a width of 5 feet and a length of 10 feet per level) or a cone with all maximum dimensions , each of 5 feet per caster levelwhich is proportional to the subject's size. Each time the breath weapon is used, the subject must wait 1 round before they can use it again.
Alternatively, this spell may be used to empower a weapon the target of the spell is using, allowing them to add the breath weapon damage to a successful melee attack made with the designated weapon. If the weapon is capable of making multiple attacks in a single round, breath weapon damage is only added to the first successful attack, after which the breath weapon must take a round of downtime as normal.
{| class="zebra d20"
|+'''Breath Weapon Dimensions By Size'''
! '''Caster Size'''!! '''Line* (Length)'''!! '''Cone** (Length)'''
| Tiny|| 30 ft.|| 15 ft.
| Small|| 40 ft.|| 20 ft.
| Medium|| 60 ft.|| 30 ft.
| Large|| 80 ft.|| 40 ft.
| Huge|| 100 ft.|| 50 ft.
| Gargantuan|| 120 ft.|| 60 ft.
| Colossal|| 140 ft.|| 70 ft.
| COLSPAN="3" | *A line is always 5 feet high and 5 feet wide.
| COLSPAN="3" | **A cone is as high and wide as its length.

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