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Undead Mastery (3.5e Feat)

104 bytes removed, 09:18, 15 November 2012
|prereqs=Divine Rank 1, Turn or Rebuke Undead
|fluff=Suffer not the undead to live in your presence.
|benefit=You gain unlimited turn or rebuke attemptsAt will, and but no more than once per round you may use turn undead (or rebuke undead) as a free action. If you turn them or rebuke them you can instead You may also choose to destroy or /control any undead you would normally successfully turn/rebuke. The unlimited turn attempts cannot be used in conjunction with feats and abilities which use turn attempts to power effects, though you maintain . This does not affect your normal limited times normally granted turn attempts per day stock. Said feats and abilities may use your limited supply.
If you have divine spellcasting levels, your effective turn undead level equals your divine spellcasting caster level (if higher).

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