Note that You may not attempt this check again during any period while it functions normally. You must wait for the item to stop responding to you before you may not make an additional check '''Special:''' If your use of this skill to utilize divine ability triggers a cursed item, the cursed item becomes activated and functions normally for you until the curse is broken by a spell, class feature, or natural spell trigger items at allsimilar ability. This indefinite duration replaces the normal check based duration.
even more clarity, and same notes on wand use ability
You may not attempt this check again during any period while it functions normally. You must wait for the item to stop responding to you before you may make an additional check
'''Special:''' If your use of this ability triggers a cursed item, the cursed item becomes activated and functions normally for you until the curse is broken by a spell, class feature, or similar ability. This indefinite duration replaces the normal check based duration.
'''Base DC:''' minimum required ability score or 15 + caster level, whichever is higher<br />
====[[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Arcana#There’s a Trick to It|There’s a Trick to It]]====
A little knowledge about obscure magical theory goes a long way. In this case, it allows you to attempt to utilize arcane spell trigger items.</onlyinclude> The action for this ability is included in the action to activate the spell trigger item. The DC for this check is 15 + the minimum class level required to use the spell stored in the item; for most spell completion items that means the minimum level a class could acquire the spell in question. You cannot use this ability to gain an effective class level, effective caster level, or similar ability of a character higher level than your own. Note that you may not use this skill to utilize divine or natural spell trigger items at all.
'''Base DC:''' 15 + minimum class level required to use the ability provided by the item<br />