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The ground explodes under your opponent's feet, throwing them in the air on a rising column of energy. You deal 3d6 points of force damage and throw targets 40 feet into the air, where they subsequently take fall damage and drop prone. If they slam into an object (such as a roof) midway they take fall damage for the distance they traveled, then fall. A successful reflex save negates the launch into the air and subsequent drop prone, but not the force damage. It is not typically effective against flying creatures, whose wings usually reduce falling damage, if they take any at all.
Force eruption has a unique form of augmentation which does not require power points. By extending manifesting time to a full round action and adding a somatic component in the thrusting of one's fingers (which does not provoke any spell failure still, but requires at least one free hand) you can increase the cylinder to 40 ft radius and 80 ft high. If you spend 1 round manifesting, the radius becomes 60 ft and 120 ft high. Regardless how tall the cylinder is, creatures are only launched 40 ft high (unless augmented, as below).
'''Augment:''' You can augment this power in one or both of the following ways.