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Logos Malius (3.5e Pantheon)

2 bytes removed, 06:58, 15 April 2013
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Logos benius and logos malius were once one, the first logos. However, war in heaven lead to the logos malius imprisonment and exile.
Unlike the "normal" D&D deity, the deities of both logos are not oft seen. In fact, it is said that no living man has ever seen them in person as they speak through illusion or messenger, or send their subordinates, the scions. Scions are former mortals who were giving then given the grace of godhood and may be reborn if slain. They serve as the material hand of the gods on Maya. In spite of their non-appearance to the world, the logos malius are said to live in the netherworld, a real place situated somewhere below the earth and accessible only through their prison spheres which the gods were bound.
=== History ===

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