'''{{Anchor|Alter Reality}} ([[Sp]]):''' Demogorgon has the ability to advance his portfolio. This is considered identical to the ''[[SRD:Wish|wish]]'' spell, but may only be used to produce effects appropriate to Demogorgon's portfolio or goals. Demogorgon may only use this ability once per minute.
'''{{Anchor|Duality}} ([[Ex]]):''' Because of the many personalities struggling for control of the main body, Demogorgon becomes capable of acting more efficiently than other beings, allowing it an additional standard action and immediate action each round in addition to all normal actions it can take.
In addition, Demogorgon can attack with either both of its bite attacks or all four tentacles (but not both sets of weapons) as a standard action.
'''{{Anchor|Flesheater}} ([[Ex]]):''' Perhaps Demogorgon’s most fearsome power is literally and wholly consuming its foes by forcibly melding their bodies to its own, taking not only their flesh but also their minds and vitality in a last ditch effort to save itself. When it dies, Demogorgon attempts to consume any surrounding creatures within Medium Range (340 feet), which usually includes its killers. All targets must make a Fortitude save (DC 35) or be drawn into Demogorgon and fully assimilated into its body. Doing so permanently imprisons the creature’s soul and destroys their body, and in so doing heals Demogorgon by a number of hit points equal to the number of hit points the assimilated creature has left over. Use of this ability renders Demogorgon unconscious for 24 hours, assuming it survives its use.