By sheer might, Demogorgon easily eclipses all other demons, but its combat effectiveness is severely limited by his insanity. Each of Demogorgon’s two heads has multiple personas within, but none can individually control more than a single head, making total control over the body impossible. As a dual entity, Demogorgon can still dominate battles by utilizing his ability to take two turns in a single combat round. A uniquely half-tanar’ri, half-obyrith specimen, each of Demogorgon’s two heads has a separate gaze attack that is capable of devastating enemies. When they combine their strength, their power becomes even more overwhelming; this combination of both tanar’ri and obyrith abilities gives Demogorgon the power to be justifiably feared as the Prince of Demons.
Demogorgon never suffers penalties to attack rolls when making a full attack with all of its natural weapons. Once per round, it can also add the effect of either [[#Aameul's Glare|Aameul's glare]] or [[Hethrediah's Gaze|Hethrediah's gaze]] to a successful melee attack.