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Canon:Elf (Dragonlance)

245 bytes added, 15:24, 20 July 2012
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'''Elves''' are one of the many races that are found on the world of Krynn. Notable elves include, Gilthanas, Tanis Half-elven, Dalamar the Dark, Porthios, Solostaran (Speaker of the Sun) ,and Laurana. The Elven Nation itself is broken into two pieces: Qualinesti and the Silvanesti. There are many kinds of elves found on Krynn besides though who live in Qualinesti and Silvanesti. Elves are slender, and slight in stature. and most have magical abilities
===Silvanesti elves===
The authors have defined that, due their extended time apart, the Qualinesti and Silvanesti elves developed different accents. Also, as a trait, the Silvanesti elves have finer features.
====Dark Elves====
Dark elves are those Silvanesti who have turned to evil. Once this happens, their names are struck from Silvanesti records, and banished forever. The most prominent Dark Elf is [[Dalamar_the_Dark|Dalamar the Dark]].
===Qualinesti elves===
Contrary to the Silvanesti, the Qualinesti elves prefer not modifying the trees in which they live. Instead, they construct buildings based on the form of the trees, giving their cities a slightly twisted look. The qualinesti have a broader contact with other races, including trading agreement with the mountain dwarves of Thorbardin and the hill dwarves of the plains, humans of Ergoth, Tarsis and Istar (before the Cataclysm).
===Kagonesti elves===
Although in some sections of the books they are referred as Kaganesti, Tracy Hickman explains that this is a "problem with phonetic translation", where northern elves pronounce it as Kaganesti.[30]
===Dargonesti elves===
The Dargonesti language is based on the Ancient Elven, still using the Silvanesti alphabet but much changed. The actual language is much changed, however. In the sea, it sounds like the clicking of dolphins.
===Dimernesti elves===
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