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Canon:Towers of High Sorcery

1 byte removed, 15:09, 20 July 2012
Tower of High Sorcery of Palanthas
However, at the end of the Lost Wars, and while the Master of the Tower was surrendering it to the local authorities, a black wizard sacrificied himself to curse it. The only person allowed to enter it was the ''Master of Past and Present'', [[Fistandantilus]] first, and [[Raistlin Majere]] in the alternative timeline.
The ''Guardian Forest'' is named the ''Shoikan Grove'', and it is able to cast terrible fear in those who come in sight of it. Not even kenders kender are able to go near it, and only with an invitation from the Master of the Tower, using extremely powerful magic, or travelling through air above the Forest a mortal is able to near it.
After being cursed, powerful undead creatures appeared in the ''Shoikan Grove''. These creatures are able to drain the life energy from intruders, turning them at the same time into undead guardians.
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