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'''{{Anchor|Self-Sacrifice/Self-Preservation}} {{Ex}}:''' A good ruler puts the good of his kingdom and his subjects above his own; even a neutral ruler sees the wisdom in appearing self-sacrificing to his people. As a good or neutral exiled ruler, if a party member suffers an attack that would kill them, you may take an immediate action to suffer the attack, instead, provided you are within 10ft. You immediately switch places with the affected party member, then suffer the full affects of the attack, instead. You do not have time to defend yourself, only to save the other person, so you do not get to make any save or AC check against the attack; it automatically succeeds. If using noble self-sacrifice results in your death, you resurrect in 1 hour with no penalties.
Of course, an evil ruler preserves himself and his power at any cost. As an evil exiled ruler, if you suffer an attack that would kill you, you may take an immediate action to force any creature (including other party members!) within 10ft to suffer the attack, instead. The party member may resist this action by making a Will save of DC 10 + Exiled Ruler Level + your STR or DEX (whichever is higher). If the party member target fails or chooses not to resist, they immediately switch places with you, then suffer the full affects of the attack, instead. They do not have time to defend themselves, so they do not get to make any save or AC check against the attack; it automatically succeeds. If this result in their death, they may resurrect as normal with normal penalties.