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'''{{Anchor|Inspirational Battle Speech}} {{Ex}}:''' Once per day, you may move yourself to the top of the Initiative order before an encounter begins (if you are not already at the top). As a standard action on your first turn, you may make an inspirational battle speech to your allies. Anyone who hears your speech gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, AC, and saves; you gain this bonus, as well. This becomes a +3 bonus at level 5. This bonus goes down by 1 each successive round, until it disappears completely. For example a fourth level exiled ruler would grant a +2 bonus for the first round of the encounter, a +1 bonus for the second round, then be gone for the third round and beyond. A fifth level exiled ruler would grant a +3 bonus for the first round, a +2 bonus for the second round, etc, etc.