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Dazing Smite (3.5e Maneuver)

14 bytes added, 02:27, 15 July 2013
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|fluff=You invoke the power of the gods when making your attack, striking the creature’s head with its might. The force of the attack halts the creature in its tracks.
|text=As part of initiating this maneuver, you must execute a smite. If the attack hits, your foe must make a [[Fortitude]] save with a [[DC]] equal to 12 + your [[Strength]] or [[Charisma]] modifier (whichever is higher) or become [[SRD:Dazed|dazed]] for 1 round, plus 1 round for every four initiator levels (2 rounds at 5th, 3 rounds at 9th, and so on), in addition to the normal benefits of a smite.

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