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Variant Options
This overhaul was made for a wizard tier level of play. Purebloods especially are excessively powerful. The fluff states a lot of things, but you don’t have to follow the fluff to the letter, it can be altered to suit your needs. Here are some variations that you could use in your campaign.
==There can be only oneCan Be Only One==
There are not multiple Purebloods, and there exists no way to become a Pureblood or for a new one to be born. There is only ONE Pureblood vampire in all the multi-verse. Perhaps it was created by the primordials as a weapon against the creations of the gods, perhaps some unspeakably vile humanoid was cursed an eternity ago by the gods for its sins, or perhaps it was born as the after-thought of some evil god that has long since died; wherever the Pureblood came from, one thing is certain; it was the first vampire, and it has power mortals cannot even comprehend.
With this background, only one Pureblood exists, and there will never be another. The Pureblood begot all the other bloodlines. You can rule out Category B Vampires, or keep them as they are. If you still allow Category B Vampires, remember that this means the Pureblood would have had vampire children with other vampires, perhaps vampires of its own making, in order for them to have come into existence. From that point, they could begin to have their own offspring. The Pureblood is easily at the level of an Elder Evil, so you may consider making it a full blown elder evil. If that is the case, Dead Sun is the logical choice as the sign of its coming, but you don’t have to use this sign if you don’t want to. Consider where and how it was imprisoned, perhaps on the plane of shadow, some distant outer plane created specifically to keep the Pureblood in and would-be planar travelers out, or deep in the Abyss; it is likely that the gods themselves imprisoned the Pureblood. You don’t have to send an Elder Evil at your players, and you shouldn’t unless you are trying to end an epic-level campaign. The Pureblood could be the one pulling the strings of the vampire society behind the shadows of the shadows, if you want some sort of vampire society at all.
This background implies a certain amount of evil about vampires, or at least the Pureblood (Elder Evil and all that), so a non-good alignment restriction on vampires is more justifiable. If you wanted to, you could say that all vampires are ultimately tied to the Pureblood, which could explain why their nature is so difficult to control. They have a long chain, but they are chained nonetheless.
Unless they are working in complete harmony with each other, a notion often found lacking with the undead, the Antediluvians probably form and break alliances with each other. Consider how this affects the vampires belonging to each bloodline and how they interact with each other. Do bloodlines base rivalries on who their Antediluvian founder has allied or enemied against, or does it matter to them?
==Purebloods: The True Vampires==
Purebloods only use one bloodline.
==No Generation==
Note the benefits/consequences.
==No Categories==
All vampires are Category C Vampires.

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