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Gible (3.5e Monster)

33 bytes added, 16:28, 26 August 2013
Combat: Link-making
'''{{Anchor|Sand Attack}} ([[Ex]]):''' A Gible can fling dust into the eyes of living opponents. A Sand Attack has a range of 25 feet plus 5 feet per two hit dice of the Gible. The victim must make a reflex save (DC 10 + Gible's Con Modifier + Gible's Hit dice), failure blinds the victim for d4 rounds plus one round per point of Constitution bonus the Gible has.
'''{{Anchor|Take Down}} ([[Ex]]):''' Gible may add 2d6 damage to any attack it makes as part of a charge. If it does, it takes 1d4 backlash damage. This is a [Normal] effect.
Backlash damage cannot be resisted by any means, and a creature killed by it loses 1 extra level/Hit Die if and when it is brought back to life.
'''{{Anchor|Cut}} ([[Ex]]):''' Gible may use the fin atop its head as part of its slam attack. At Gible's option, its slam attack may do half slashing and half bludgeoning damage (instead of all bludgeoning).
'''{{Anchor|Maneuver-Like Abilities}}:''' Gible has a few maneuver-like abilities, mainly drawn from the Desert Wind discipline. It may use each of its maneuver-like abilities once before having to refresh them all as a full-round action. Gible's maneuver-like abilities: ''zephyr dance, [[Sand Spray (3.5e Maneuver)|sand spray]], wind stride, flashing sun''.
'''{{Anchor|Vulnerable to Cold}} ([[Ex]]):''' Gible fares... ''very'' poorly in cold climates. Concentrated cold is even ''worse''. Gible takes a -10 penalty against all [Ice] effects (including, but not limited to, anything with the Cold descriptor). If an [Ice] effect doesn't allow a save, Gible simply takes double damage and is sad.
'''{{Anchor|Rough Skin}} ([[Ex]]):''' Gible's scales are extremely sharp. Each time that Gible is struck with any sort of attack that involves physical contact between it and its attacker, no matter how brief (including unarmed attacks, natural weapons, and the vast majority of melee touch attacks), that creature takes 1 point of slashing damage for every 2 of Gible's HD. (The sample Gible deals 2 points of slashing damage with Rough Skin.) Unlike similar properties of other creatures, this damage is dealt ''every'' time hostile contact with Gible is made, which means that it can work on the same creature more than once per round. This damage is also dealt once per round to all creatures engaged in a grapple with Gible, though a creature that is somehow able to grapple Gible without making contact with it is unaffected by Rough Skin.
'''''{{Anchor|Sandstorm}} '' ([[Sp]]):''' Gible may cast ''sandstorm'' at will, as the spell. Caster level 5th.
==== Advancement ====
At 7 HD, a Gible learns '''{{Anchor|Sand Tomb}}''': [[Hungry Earth (3.5e Maneuver)|''Hungry earth'']] is added to Gible's list of maneuver-like abilities for free, and it can use ''hungry earth'' one extra time before needing to refresh. (Since it can use each maneuver-like ability once, this means that ''hungry earth'' can be used twice.)
At 10 HD, a Gible learns '''{{Anchor|Slash}}([[Ex]]):''' Its claws have a threat range of 18-20, and penetrate DR as though they were magic weapons.

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