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Crit Dice (3.5e Variant Rule)

1,602 bytes added, 03:56, 11 September 2013
Created page with "{{Author |author_name=Alcyius |date_created=September 10, 2013 |status=Complete }} {{#set:Summary=A system replacing threat ranges with crit dice.}} == Crit Dice == This rul..."
|date_created=September 10, 2013
{{#set:Summary=A system replacing threat ranges with crit dice.}}

== Crit Dice ==

This rule is simply meant to alter how combat works slightly. This system reduces the likelihood of critical hits and critical fails with a system of diminishing returns, and allows for multiple critical hits in the same attack.

=== How it Works ===

Whenever an attack is rolled, the player rolls a d20 as usual. The DM rolls a number of d20 equal to the range of their threat range. i.e. A threat range of 15-20 becomes (20-15)=5d20. If any of these dice match the result of the player's roll, then the player scores a critical hit. This does not need to be confirmed. If more than one die matches with the player's roll, multiply the critical multiplier of their attack by the number of matches.

==== Action Points ====
If Action Points are being used, they interact in one of three ways:
1. The action point can be spent normally before learning if you succeeded to reroll the player's die.
2. The action point can instead be spent before learning if the roll succeeded to reroll the pool of crit dice.
3. Two action points can be spent to double the amount of crit dice in the player's crit pool.

==== Some Other Stuff ====

If the player gains successive attacks from scoring a critical, subtract the number of extra attacks from the pool of crit dice.

{{3.5e Variant Rules Breadcrumb}}

[[Category:Transformational Variant Rule]]
[[Category:Supplemental Variant Rule]]

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