→Snatch arrows
If you target a creature with snatch arrow they could catch the projectile. What type of action would they be able to do? Disarm, reel them in, use the ally effects without damage?
:Good question. As a projectile, technically, I suppose it could be caught. It is then up to them what they do. By holding on they're effectively hookshoted willingly, sans damage since its just them holding on and not it embedded in them. Disarming can't really happen, but they could always try to pull at the rope. I'd probably say they grab it (no damage) and may make opposed strength checks if they feel like having a tug o' war.
:Creativity +1! -- [[User:Eiji-kun|Eiji-kun]] ([[User talk:Eiji-kun|talk]]) 19:48, 8 November 2013 (UTC)