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Ghede (3.5e Race)

No change in size, 06:01, 13 November 2013
Physical Description
===Physical Description===
A ghede is a skeleton of a humanoid, typically human, animated by negative energy. They look nearly identical to the typical [[SRD:Skeleton|skeleton monster]] animated by the ''[[SRD:Animate Dead|animate dead]]'' spell, but in pitch darkness ghede eyes burn with a soft illumination where their eyes should be, even "blinking" at times. With a lack of facial expressions, it would seem to be difficult to communicate to others but by glamour or actual subtle gentle shifts in bone structure the ghede is capable of various "expressions", however subtle.
As an undead, the ghede have no biology of their own. They do not reproduce normally but rather humanoid corpses are brought to "blight pits", magical locations naturally found in lands ravaged by neromantic energy or created by certain rare spells and effects. In these swamp-like sinkholes corpses are dropped in with a random chance their skeleton will spontaneously spring up as a newly "born" ghede. From birth, they are equipped with faint memories of their past and basic knowledge, though it often takes a month or so before a clear personality and speech begins to develop. Ghede do not grow, they are formed fully as adults and stay that way until they are destroyed.

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