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Idylean Young God (3.5e Template)

227 bytes added, 09:35, 19 February 2014
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'''New God Spark''': Idylean Young Gods count as deities for interacting with items and effect when beneficial. Young Gods have powerful magical abilities over a single domain, at character creation it choose one domain and gain it granted power as if it was a cleric of it ECL. Additionally it may use the spell granted by the domain as as spell-like abilities as long as their ECL would allow them to cast (so an ECL 7 young deity could use the spell granted at 4th level as a spell-like ability but no higher). The highest spell-like ability granted by the domain is usable once per day, the second highest is usable twice per day, the third highest is usable three time a day and all other are usable at will. Unlike normal spell-like abilities the new god still need to pay any XP and expensive (1000 gp or more) material components that would be normally required.
When the young god take level in [[God (3.5e Prestige Class)|god]] it receive the chosen domain as a bonus domain.
After the nitrion sickness is dealt with the young god will stop [[Burning (3.5e Condition)|burning]] but still need to recover. She recover one point of [[SRD:Ability Burn|ability burn]] per day of extended rest. The young god will stay [[SRD:Nauseated|nauseated]] until all her ability scores have recovered, forcing New Gods who suffered from nitrion poisoning to a long bedridden recovery period.
A less lethal weakness is their inability to use any supernatural and spell-like ability granted by this template while 'under the gaze of the old gods'. They may not use any supernatural or spell-like ability granted by this template while inside temples dedicated to traditional gods and similar places. If they attempt to do so they take 1 nonlethal damage per hit dice and the ability fail. A Idylean New God that take level in the god class lose this weakness.
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