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Idylean Young God (3.5e Template)

184 bytes added, 18:51, 3 March 2014
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|date_created=16th FebuaryFebruary|status=Playable, not quite done.Finished
'''Immunities and Resistance''' A Idylean Young God are immune to disease, poison, death-effect, polymorphing, petrification, possession-effect (such as magic jar) and form-altering effects. Their powerful mental resistance grant them a +4 bonus against mind-affecting effects.
'''Regeneration''': Idylean Young God are nearly impervious to nonmagical harm, they have regeneration infinity bypassed by magic. Effectively healing up nonlethal completely every round, but not healing any wounds inflicted by a magical weapon, spell, power or supernatural effects. Creatures with a CR equal or higher than the Idylean Young God's ECL automatically bypass it regeneration even with nonmagical weapons. Idyl;ean If a Idylean Young Dod loses a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 3d6 minutes, however unlike normal creature with regeneration the loss of the head is still fatal for a young god. Idyean young Gods stop regenerating while under 0 or less, making a powerful mundane damage (such as falling from a mountain) capable of knocking them out for a long time while not killing them.
'''Denizen of Idylis:'''The young deities hail from Idylis, a demiplane said to be outside the great wheel. Idylean Young Gods are capable of using Idylean technology instinctively. All yound god in good standing are welcomed in Idylis (see below) and possess a [[Idylean Smart Cube (3.5e Equipment)|Idylean Smart Cube]]. Because of their training under [[Idylis (3.5e Location)|Idylis]]'s heavy gravity, young gods do not take penalties from moving and fighting while under heavy gravity.

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