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Breath Mint (3.5e Equipment)

13 bytes added, 21:31, 12 September 2014
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Alternatively, at any time within the first 15 minutes of ingestion, a breath mint may be chewed to bits as a [[SRD:Standard Actions|standard action]], which releases all the oxygen at once in a directed ''[[SRD:Gust of Wind|gust of wind]]'' that lasts until the end of your turn.
Breath mints contain a bonding substance that causes laxation has a strong laxative effect if taken in excess. Any creature ingesting more than one breath mint in the same three hours must make a [[SRD:Fortitude|Fortitude]] save for every subsequent breath mint taken after the very first, starting at DC 15 and increasing by one for every forced save afterwards. Upon failing a Fortitude save vs breath mint, the consumer immediately and irrevocably voids their bowels to the immediate chagrin of everyone nearby.
Warning: Do not swallow whole.

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