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Charmed (3.5e Class)

817 bytes added, 06:21, 9 October 2014
Added more specialized talents and prevented dipping cheese with fortune.
'''{{Anchor|Expanded Luck Pool}} {{Su}}:''' A charmed gain a number of extra luck reroll equal to her class levels or her [[charisma]] modifier whichever is lower.
'''{{Anchor|Fortune}} {{Su}}:''' A 1st level charmed is capable of subconsciously manipulate probabilities, she may treat any roll she make as if she roll one higher. This make her immune to unwanted natural 1 and allow a natural 20 on a 19-20. If she ever multiclass she lose this ability unless she has 4 or more level in charmed.
At 6th level she can treat any roll made against her specifically (an opposed check or attack roll) as one lower.
''{{Anchor|Burglar}} {{Ex}}:'' You have the skill of a burglar or thief, you gain a +4 bonus on [[SRD:Disable Device Skill|disable device]], [[SRD:Hide Skill|hide]], [[SRD:Move Silently Skill|move silently]], and [[SRD:Open Lock Skill|open lock]]. These skills are always class skills for you. Additionally you may spend a single luck reroll to replicate the effect of [[SRD:Knock|''knock'']].
''{{Anchor|Con Man}}:'' You gain a +4 bonus on [[SRD:Bluff|bluff]] and |[[SRD:Forgery Skill|forgery]], additionally you can take a standard action to recall some of the tricks you learned, coming under the effect of the ''cheat<sup><small>[[Draconomicon|Dra]]</small></sup>'' spell. This ability can be used at will.
''{{Anchor|Exceptionally Skilled}}:'' You gain [[Ridiculously Skilled Fellow (3.5e Feat)|ridiculously skilled fellow]] as a bonus feat.
''{{Anchor|Jack of All Trade, Master of None}}:'' You gain [[SRD:Jack of All Trades|Jack of All Trades]] and [[Master of None (3.5e Feat)|Master of None]] as bonus feats even if you do not meet the prerequisite.
''{{Anchor|Seducer}}:'' You gain the benefits of the [[Too Hot (3.5e Trait)|too hot]] traits without the penalties, additionally you gain the [ ''seduce to learn''] ability. ''{{Anchor|Showgirl}} {{Ex}}:'' or showman, whatever. You have all the skill of a Vegas showgirl, which mean you always have ranks in two [[SRD:Perform Skill|perform]] skills of your choice equal to your character level +3. Additionally you gain a +4 bonus on [[SRD:Bluff Skill|bluff]], [[SRD:Diplomacy Skill|diplomacy]] and [[SRD:Gather Information Skill|gather information]] skill checksas well as the fascinate of a [[SRD:Bard|bard]] of your character level.
''{{Anchor|Soldiering}} {{Ex}}:'' You became quite good at using weapons. You gain all martial weapons proficiency and the [[Learned Weapon Proficiency (3.5e Feat)|learned weapon proficiency]] feat as a bonus feat.

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