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Elastic Wonder (3.5e Prestige Class)

693 bytes added, 04:07, 21 November 2014
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|special1=[[#Body of Plastic|Body of Plastic]], [[#Elastic|Elastic]], [[#Stretch|Stretch]], [[#Variable Form|Variable Form]]|special2=[[#Elastic Reach|Elastic Reach]] (5'), [[#Stretch|Stretch]] (Arms), [[#Variable Size|Variable Size]]|special3=[[#StretchTangle|StretchTangle]] (Spine), [[#Variable Form|Variable Form]](Less Restricted)
|special4=[[#Variable Size|Improved Variable Size]], [[#Stretch|Stretch]] (Everything)
|special5=[[#Blunt Trauma Resistant|Blunt Trauma Resistant]], [[#Elastic Reach|Elastic Reach]] (10'), [[#Seal Over Plastic|Seal Over Plastic]], [[#Variable Form|Variable Form]] (Object)
|skills=Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Control Shape, Craft, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen,Move Silently, Perform, Profession, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Speak Language, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble}}
''Neck:'' An elastic wonder can stretch their neck, which say allow them to see above a fence or something with minimal mechanical benefits.
''Arms'': A 2nd level elastic wonder can stretch her arms, this has two main use: She can grab items from really far away and do thing hands generally (such as operating a possibly trapped lever far from the actual trap). She can grab onto thing (like a ledge) then immediately go back to normal size, since she was holding on to an object she be moved there instead of her normal position (mechanically treat this as [[Hookshot (3.5e Equipment)|hookshot]], although instead of needing to damage the surface the elastic wonder only need to grab or latch on the surface and the range is limited by how far she can stretch her arms). In combat the elastic wonder can stretch her arm as a standard action, making one attack against any target within 5' per class level.
''Spine'': A 3rd level elastic wonder can now stretch her torso/spine, this work like stretching her legs except the extra square do not need to be on top of the last, it simply need to be connected. This allow the elastic wonder to snake their way to a particular square and assume some bizarre shapes. However much like stretching legs, only the last square created (the one with the head and shoulder) is calculated when determining threatening range and line of sight, stretching too much like leave the body vulnerable to attack with no possibility of retribution. Additionally while stretching her spine, the elastic wonder is unable to move conventionally.
''Everything'': A 4th level elastic wonder can now stretch any or every body parts at the same time as a move action, this allow for some wacky combinations.
'''{{Anchor|Variable Form}} {{Ex}}:''' A elastic wonder can reform her body as [[Alter Form (3.5e Spell)|''alter form'']], however she may only use it to alter her own body proportions. She cannot alter things like her hair color (but the length of her hair could be adjusted), her gender or her skin color.
At 3rd level she is no longer limited to her form (she can change her color and whatnot) but she cannot change her gender or age still.
At 5th level she can twist herself in a way that duplicate [[Mimic Morph (3.5e Spell)|''mimic morph'']] except the ambush attack does not deal extra acid damage, instead the elastic wonder may start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.
'''{{Anchor|Elastic Reach}} {{Ex}}:''' At 2nd and 5th the elastic wonder's reach increase by 5'.
At 4th level she gain the ability to replicate the effect of [[SRD:Enlarge Person|''enlarge person'']] and [[SRD:Reduce Person|''reduce person'']] as a move action on herself. This ability always affect her no matter her type and it stack with both her ''powerful build'' and ''slight build'' abilities. When she reach character level 9th she become able to use this ability as an immediate or move action.
'''{{Anchor|Variable FormTangle}} {{Ex}}:''' A 3rd level elastic wonder can reform her body as gain the [[Alter Form (3.5e Spell)SRD:Improved Grapple|''alter form''improved grapple]], however feat as a bonus feat even fi she may only use it to alter her own body proportionsdoes not meet the prerequisites. She cannot alter things like her hair color (but the length of her hair could be adjusted), her gender or her skin color Additionally any creature she grapple are [[SRD:Entangled|entangled]] and held down.
'''{{Anchor|Seal Over Plastic}} {{Ex}}:''' A 5th level elastic wonder gain fast healing equal to half her character levels.

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