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Canon:Spelljammer crystal spheres

155 bytes added, 19:08, 25 January 2015
* '''Sun''': Star and central body.
* '''[[Canon:Sirrion (planet)|Sirrion]]''': Molten lava planet with a few solid rock plates. Home to various fire [[elemental]]s.* '''[[Canon:Reorx (planet)|Reorx]]''': Mountainous terrestrial planet, inhabited primarily by [[Dwarf|dwarves]]. Has one moon, '''[[Ora]].'''* '''[[Krynn]]''': Terrestrial planet with three moons: '''[[Canon:Nuitari (moon)|Nuitari]],''' '''[[Canon:Lunitari (moon)|Lunitari]],''' and '''[[Canon:Solinari (moon)|Solinari]].''' Home to the ''[[Dragonlance]]'' campaign setting.* '''[[Canon:Chislev (planet)|Chislev]]''': Terrestrial planet. Storm-wracked jungle from pole to pole. Home to [[barbarian]]s of various PC races.* '''[[Canon:Zivilyn (planet)|Zivilyn]]''': Gas giant with twelve moons. Inhabited primarily by avian lifeforms.
=== Source material for Krynnspace ===

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