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The Jupiter-9 Autonomous Railgun is essentially a fully autonomous battle station, it is named so because the lead engineer did not add the Jupiter Super Railgun to a battle station, he added the battle station to the Jupiter Super Railgun. The Jupiter-9 is in apparence appearance a massive round hunk of metal, with a massive railgun sticking out and two smaller railguns on each pole. The railguns are capable of rotating 360 degree both horizontally and vertically, allowing for a massive arc of fire. The station itself possess a powerful [[Gravsteel (3.5e Equipment)|gravsteel]] reactor allowing it to stay afloat despite it massive weight.
Jupiter-9 is constantly being repaired by micoscopic microscopic bot, any holes made in it ' hull are very short lived, altough although they cannot repair damage fast enough for it to be particularly effective in combat.
Since the Jupiter-9 Autonomous Railgun is very slow for it size and it main gun has a very limited close range it is typically protected by other bots.
'''Death Throe {{Ex}}:''' If destroyed the Jupiter-9 explode as the [[Tactical Nuke (3.5e Epic Spell)|tactical nuke]] spell. It may also self-destruct as a 1 round action, destroying itself and triggering a much deadlier [[Megaton (3.5e Epic Spell)|megaton]] death throe.
'''Digistuct Digistruct Station {{Su}}:''' The Jupiter-9 Autonomous Railgun can create as a standard action start construct a one or more bot of it choice; the amount of time it take to complete the bot depend on it size. It may construct a medium or smaller bot within 1 round, a large bot in 3 rounds or a huge bot in 5 rounds. Only initiating the construction require an action on the part of the Jupiter-9, and it may build up to 5 bots at a time.
'''Limited Programming {{Ex}}:''' The Jupiter-9 uses its [[Wisdom]] score as a stand-in intelligence score, though it does not gain skills or feats. It is capable of thinking and acting tactically, but has no free will and will follow its programming the best of its ability, using its intelligence to reach the goal with the greatest chance of success. Short term planning and reacting is allowed, but long term planning is usually beyond it.