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Arane (3.5e Race)

3 bytes removed, 13:42, 31 July 2015
Racial Traits
|specialtext1=Arane are not of humanoid form, and thus wear armor as a non-humanoid creature (twice the base cost). In addition, they lack the ring body slots (they have what passes for hands, but no real digits), but instead gain four feet slots instead of one. Finally, they are Medium (long) creatures, and thus have the reach of a creature one size smaller (not a problem for Medium, but a problem for any other size other than Medium). Their hands are small compared to their body as well, and as a result they use weapons for a creature one size smaller as well.
|special1special2=Natural Armor|specialtype1specialtype2=Ex|specialtext1specialtext2=Arane have a +2 bonus on natural armor.
|special1special3=Poison|specialtype1specialtype3=Ex|specialtext1specialtext3=Arane can coat their weapons with venom as a move action, and the poison is potent for up to 1 minute. The poison deals 1d4 [[Con]]/1d4 [[Con]], [[Fortitude]] negates, and the save DC is [[Constitution]] based. Once it uses its poison, it cannot use it again for 1d4 5 rounds. If the arane gains a bite attack, their bite attack automatically applies the poison with no cooldown, even if it is still recharging.
|special1special4=Vermin Empathy|specialtype1specialtype4=Ex|specialtext1specialtext4=Arane have Wild Empathy as a [[druid]] of their level, but only for vermin (even if they are mindless). If the vermin is a spider or scorpion, they gain a +4 bonus on the check.
|special1special5=Webcraft|specialtype1specialtype5=Ex|specialtext1specialtext5=Arane can create simple solid or flexible objects without moving parts out of webbing. The arane can produce an amount of flexible or hardening spider silk equal to their HD squared x 10 in gold value each day. They can create any material that can be made out of fabric or wood with the material, but with the hp and hardness of leather or hide (hardness 2, 5 hp/inch). Unlike the ''[[SRD:Web|web]]'' spell, arane silk is not flammable and generally reacts as leather or hide to damage. A craft check may be required to construct certain items.
Arane silk eventually decays after 3 days. Via easy to produce but expensive alchemical processing, it can be made permanent by spending 1/6th of the cost of the item to stabilize the webbing. Arane can typically create the required materials on the spot with any amount of water and organic debris, no check is needed to make it, and it has no other purpose than to stabilize arane webbing.
|special1special6=Webcrawler|specialtype1specialtype6=Ex|specialtext1specialtext6=Aranes are unaffected by webbing, including the ''[[SRD:Web|web]]'' spell and spider webs.
|special1special7=Web Shot|specialtype1specialtype7=Ex|specialtext1specialtext7=Arane can throw out a natural web which functions like a ''[[SRD:Net|net]]'' which they are proficient with. They may do this a number of times per day equal to 1 + their [[Con]] modifier (minimum 1). They are also proficient in actual [[SRD:Net|nets]].
|special1special8=Skills|specialtype1specialtype8=|specialtext1specialtext8=Arane have a +2 racial bonus on Craft checks and Knowledge Engineering checks, and may use both untrained. They are always class skills.
|autolanguage=Common and Undercommon
===Vital Statistics===

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