This maneuver is a supernatural ability.
|dur=1 round/level
|summary=Gain temporary hit points with a skillful weapon twirl or flick(attack roll).
''You psyche yourself up for the trials ahead with a quick swish of your sword.''
As part of this maneuver, make a single attack roll with whatever weapon you have on hand. This is not actually an attack. Instead, you gain temporary hit points equal to your attack roll, which last for 1 round per initiator level. Alternatively, you may grant those temporary hit points to a willing ally with a touch, either as part of the same standard action used to initiate this maneuver or as a standard action on a subsequent turn during the duration; if using the latter option, your ally gains the temporary hit points in their current state (# of hp remaining and rounds remaining), and you lose the temporary hit points. The creature you gave the temporary hit points to cannot give them to another creature. Temporary hit points do not stack; they overlap.
This maneuver is a supernatural ability.