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Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Supporting Changes

1 byte added, 19:00, 18 November 2015
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| Giving Surface || align="center" | 15 || Most normal outdoor surfaces (such as lawns, fields, woods, and the like) or exceptionally soft or dirty indoor surfaces (thick rugs and very dirty or dusty floors). The creature might leave some traces (broken branches or tufts of hair), but it leaves only occasional or partial footprints.
| Trackless Surface || align="center" | 20 || Any surface that doesn’t hold footprints at all, such as bare rock or an indoor floor. Most streambeds stream beds fall into this category, since any footprints left behind are obscured or washed away. The creature leaves only traces (scuff marks or displaced pebbles).
| Liquid Surface || align="center" | 25 || The surface of a liquid, like a lake or magma pool. The creature leaves traces, that are likely moved or washed away, and ripples.
| Through Liguid Liquid || align="center" | 28 || The inside of a lake or magma pool. This generally only applies to swimming creatures, though it also applies to creatures that fall into a liquid and can't swim in it. The creature leaves traces, ripples, and air bubbles to mark their passing; these are likely displaced by currents or gravity over time.
| Through Gas || align="center" | 30 || The air that we breathe. This generally only applies to flying creatures, though falling creatures also count. The creature leaves minor traces and ripples to mark their passing; these are likely displaced by wind or gravity over time.

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