Grammar check & link-making
A serious disease that is often joked about nonetheless, Boogie Fever is a magical disease that will eventually cause its victims to dance themselves to death. Given no other factors, it has an incubation period of 1 day. It spreads more virulently around dancing - — all the more dangerous given that it forces its victims to dance. When the victim is dancing, the incubation period is only 1 hour, and the DC for any creature dancing within 30' of a dancing, infected creature takes a -−4 to their Fort save against catching the disease.
Failing one save causes the victim to be [[Jitterbug (3.5e Power)|jittery.]] . Failing a second save causes the creature to be [[SRD:Fatigued|fatigued ]] and to spend a move action every round to dance, provoking an [[SRD:Attack of Opportunity|attack of opportunity]]. Failing a third save causes the victim to be [[SRD:Exhausted|exhausted ]] and the creature to spend a standard action every round to dance. If you fail a fourth save, you die from dancing so much. Your body continues dancing for an hour, remaining contagious for that time before becoming a normal corpse. Succeeding on a save reduces the severity of the disease by one.