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Spider Web (3.5e Feat)

86 bytes added, 22:31, 28 January 2016
Grammar check
|name=Spider Web<!-- Feat Name -->
|types=Racial<!-- Feat Types (Fighter, Metamagic, etc. Do not put "General" here.) -->
|summary=You can throw a web is similar to that behaves like [[SRD:Web|the ''web-'' spell]].<!-- A short summary of the feat -->
|prereqs=Nerubian, [[Silk Spray (3.5e Feat)|Silk Spray]] feat<!-- All prerequisites, including feats -->
|fluff=<!-- Any non-mechanical flavor you want to show -->
|benefit=A [[Nerubian (3.5e Race)|Nerubian]] can throw a web three times per day. This is a standard action and is similar to works like the ''web-'' spell without , except it requires no material components with and its DC is equal to Nerubian's character level + Attack bonus (missile), but has a maximum range of 50 feet, with a range increment of 10 feet, and is effective against targets up to one size category larger than the Nerubian. An entangled creature can escape with a successful [[SRD:Escape Artist Skill|Escape Artist ]] check (DC + Nerubian's Con modifier) or burst it with a Strength check. Both are standard actions, and the Strength check DC includes a +4 racial bonus.
|example=<!-- If your feat has a complicated mechanic, give an example of how it works. -->

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