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Energy Demon (3.5e Monster)

386 bytes added, 09:27, 27 August 2016
The energy demon has a host of immunities, and is healed by various forms of energy. It often uses its own spells with it as a possible target so it may heal while others are hurt. They particularly like changing the terrain to their advantage, especially when it involves destroying said terrain. They reserve their Apocalypse spell-like for things which simply won't die, or to wipe out a large area of matter all at once.
'''Absorb Energy {{Ex}}:''' The energy demon is not only immune to, but actually heals from, the more raw forms of energy damage. They absorb half the damage from any force, negative, positive, or untyped magical damage (such as a warlock's normal eldritch blast) as healing instead.  In addition it can touch an object which is powered by one of the above energy types, electricity, fire, or sonic energy and drain it of its power, rendering it inert. The object's power source can be restarted manually, or it returns to normal function after 1d4 rounds if it runs continuously. The object gets a [[Will]] save DC 27 to resist, and the save is [[Charisma]] based.
'''Apocalypse {{Sp}}:''' 1/day, the energy demon can use a unique spell-like ability known as Apocalypse. It releases a titanic explosion of magical energy, duplicating the effect of ''[[SRD:Disintegrate|disintegrate]]'' in a 20 ft radius burst, DC 25. This is considered a 7th level spell and is [[Charisma]] based. Caster level 13th.

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