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Heart of Earth (3.5e Equipment)

142 bytes added, 21:46, 28 August 2016
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*Deeprunner: Your body can slip through the ground as easily as a fish swims in water. You gain the [[SRD:Elder Earth Elemental|earth glide]] ability of earth elementals, up to your land speed. When traveling through earth, you have effective sight out to 60 ft. through stone and can breathe and act normally (although your voice will be muffled to anyone outside of the rock's surface). The earth's surface acts as an opaque barrier, so you cannot see what goes on outside the earth, but you can hear them. Even on the surface, you retain tremorsense out to 30 ft. Once every minute, you may employ [[SRD:Stone Shape|Stone Shape]] as a [[spell-like ability]].
*Elemental Servant: An earth elemental is bound into your soul, allowing you to call (or dismiss) an elemental cohort as a standard action. The elemental's size and level is based on your HD, and is the same elemental each time. This elemental is 1-3 HD (Small), 4-6 HD (Medium), 7-9 HD (Large), 10-12 HD (Huge), 13-15 HD (Greater), 16-18 HD (Elder), 19-20 HD (Elder +3 HD added). In addition, you learn the associated elemental language, Terran. If your elemental dies, it cannot be returned until a raise dead or similar spell is cast, which functions normally in spite of the [[elemental]] traits.
*Stalwart Rook: You push your body and mind to the limits, entering a sort of "defensive rage". Succeed on a DC 15 [[SRD:Concentration Skill|concentration]] check DC 15as a free action that may only be taken once per round, and you gain +4 to [[Con]] and [[Wis]], +2 on all opposed checks, and -2 on Reflex saves as your body plants itself into the ground and braces for impact. You also gain mettle. If you already possess mettle, you no longer fail saving throws on a natural 1. This defensive rage lasts for 3+your newly modified [[constitution]] modifier rounds, and is often accompanied by impacts against you sounding as if you were made of iron and strange subtle tremors. When it ends, you are [[fatigued]] for 1 minute as your body reels from the effort. You can only enter stalwart rook 1/encounter, but and while you may perform a stalwart rook over and over. Each enter it any number of times per day each time you do, the DC on the concentration check required to enter it rises by +5. This increase stacks with itself.
If the heart of earth is held in hand, it grants its user several [[spell-like abilities]]. A heart of earth has 20 charges and recovers them at 1 charge per day. Each spell level consumes that many charges (a 8th level spell is 8 charges, a 3rd level spell is 3 charges, a 0th level spell is 0 charges and thus can be used at will). It uses its current wielder's HD as its caster level and its wielder's primary casting score (default [[Cha]] for non-casters). A user can only use spells up to a level available as a [[wizard]] of his level. So, a 13 HD character can only cast up to 7th level spells.

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