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Raging Crasher (3.5e Prestige Class)

693 bytes removed, 14:39, 30 August 2009
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{{DnD Prestige Class Infoboxauthor|img=1197059311333.gif|imgloc=1197059311333.gif|imgsize=thumb|imgcaption=So, what's the Break DC of a car?|rating_power=5|raters_power=1|rating_wording=5|raters_wording=1|rating_formatting=5|raters_formatting=1|rating_flavor=4|raters_flavor=1|authorsauthor_name=Eiji|datecreateddate_created=6-6-08|adoptersadopter=|dateadopteddate_adopted=
|status=Complete, needs review/playtest
|typeimg=Combat Focused1197059311333.gif}}{{3.5e PrC Semantic|descdescription=Rage and become an unstoppable train of destruction. I'm the Juggernaut!
==Raging Crasher==
{| class="{{zebra d20}}"|+ <div>{{#anc:Anchor|Table: The Raging Crasher}}</div>
<p>Hit Die: d12</p>
! [[SRD:Saving Throw#Fortitude|Fort]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Reflex|Ref]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Will|Will]]
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 1st || +1 || +2 || +0 || +0
| class="left" | Barbarian Abilities, [[Cleave]], Crashing Rage +1, Resist Binding +1
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 2nd || +2 || +3 || +0 || +0
| class="left" | Damage Reduction 1/-
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 3rd || +3 || +3 || +1 || +1
| class="left" | Wall Crasher, Crashing Rage +2
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 4th || +4 || +4 || +1 || +1
| class="left" | Resist Binding +2
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 5th || +5 || +4 || +1 || +1
| class="left" | Damage Reduction 2/-, [[Great Cleave]], Crashing Rage +3
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 6th || +6 || +5 || +2 || +2
| class="left" | Face Grinder
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 7th || +7 || +5 || +2 || +2
| class="left" | Damage Reduction 3/-, Crashing Rage +4, Resist Binding +3
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 8th || +8 || +6 || +2 || +2
| class="left" | Improved Wall Crasher
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 9th || +9 || +6 || +3 || +3
| class="left" | Unstoppable Force. Crashing Rage +5
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 10th || +10 || +7 || +3 || +3
| class="left" | Damage Reduction 4/-, Resist Binding +4, Titanic Force
| colspan="42" class="skill" |
'''Class Skills (4 + [[Int]] modifier per level)'''<br/>
'''{{#anc:Anchor|Barbarian Abilities}}:''' A raging crasher is, at its core, a barbarian who cannot be stopped in rage. As such, a raging barbarian continues to gain rage, and its benefits, as if they were leveling in barbarian, including the improvements to the bonuses of rage and the number of rages per day. They may also add their raging crasher levels to their barbarian levels to determine the effectiveness of their Improved Uncanny Dodge if they possess it (it does not however grant it to a creature who lacks Improved Uncanny Dodge). A raging crasher does not gain the benefits of trap sense, a barbarian's damage reduction progression, indomitable will, or tireless rage,
'''{{#anc:Anchor|[[Cleave]]}}:''' A raging crasher smashes through fallen opponents, gaining [[Cleave]] as a bonus feat at 1st level.
'''{{#anc:Anchor|Crashing Rage}} ([[Ex]])::''' The barbarian's rage turns into a frenzy of movement and wild tackles. When in a rage, your charge attacks carry extra force. You may add the Crashing Rage bonus to damage rolls when making a charge attack. You also gain the Crashing Rage bonus on Strength checks made to bash down a door, wall, or similar obstacle, and on bull rush checks.
'''{{#anc:Anchor|Damage Reduction}} ([[Ex]])::''' A 2nd level a raging crasher begins to ignore pain from crashing into things so hard so often. Subtract 1 from the damage a raging crasher takes each time he is dealt a physical blow. At 5th level and every three levels beyond, the damage reduction increases by 1 point. Damage reduction can reduce a damage to 0, but not below 0. This damage reduction stacks with similar damage reduction inherent to the creature or gained by class levels such as barbarian.
'''{{#anc:Anchor|Resist Binding}} ([[Ex]])::''' A raging crasher refuses to be bound in place. Whenever a raging crasher is subject to an effect that would prevent the raging crasher from moving at their normal speed and provides a saving throw, they gain a +1 bonus to their save. These bonuses increase to +2 at 4th level, +3 at 7th level, and +4 at 10th level.
'''{{#anc:Anchor|Wall Crasher}} ([[Ex]])::''' You are a deadly train of destruction and your body becomes a weapon. At 3rd level, whenever you successfully bull rush someone into a wall or other solid object, they stop as normal and you crush them with such an impact you deal 4d6 + [[Str]] in damage.
'''{{#anc:Anchor|[[Great Cleave]]}}:''' A raging crasher gains [[Great Cleave]] as a bonus feat at 5th level. Their motion of their attacks carry on ignoring all solid mass in their way.
'''{{#anc:Anchor|Face Grinder}} ([[Ex]])::''' A raging crasher uses the walls and floors as his weapon. At 6th level, if a raging crasher has successfully grappled someone, they may attempt a pin. If the pin attempt is successful they may immediately start a bull rush which is automatically successful, but you do roll to see how far you can move (and treat the opponent as having their opposing roll be 0). You proceed to grind the opponents face into the nearest solid surface, dealing 1d6 points of slashing damage per 10 feet moved. They must make a [[Fortitude]] save DC 10 + 1/2 class level [[Str]] modifier or become [[sickened]] by pain for 1 round.
'''{{#anc:Anchor|Improved Wall Crasher}} ([[Ex]])::''' You smash everything you crash. At 8th level, whenever you successfully bull rush someone into a wall or other solid object, they stop as normal and you crush them with such impact you deal 8d6 + twice your [[Str]] in damage.
'''{{#anc:Anchor|Unstoppable Force}} ([[Ex]]):''' At 9th level a raging crasher may bull rush an opponent of any size. He is no longer restricted to running into beings one size larger or smaller. He must still overcome the size penalties associated, but a sufficiently strong raging crasher can knock even a dragon off a cliff.
'''{{#anc:Anchor|Titanic Force}} ([[Ex]]):''' At 10th level a raging crasher has master the art of the crash to the point where he is treated one size larger than he actually is for the purpose of size modifiers and weapon size. Effectively the raging crasher obtains the Powerful Build racial ability found in Goliaths. If you already have Powerful Build, you are counted two sizes larger instead for everything except for weapon size, where you remain one size larger.
In addition, the superhuman strength of a 10th level raging crasher is apparent in their rage filled madness. When they rage, they may make an intimidate attempt as a free action against one target with their Crashing Rage bonus as a bonus to their Intimidate check.
{| class="{{zebra d20}}"|+ {{#anc:Anchor|Table: The [[SRD:Epic Level Basics|Epic]] Raging Crasher}}
! Level || Special
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 11th|| class="left" | Resist Binding +5
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 12th|| class="left" |
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 13th|| class="left" | Damage Reduction 5/-
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 14th|| class="left" | Resist Binding +6
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 15th|| class="left" | Bonus Feat
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 16th|| class="left" | Damage Reduction 6/-
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 17th|| class="left" | Resist Binding +7
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 18th|| class="left" |
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 19th|| class="left" | Damage Reduction 7/-
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 20th|| class="left" | Bonus Feat, Resist Binding +8
All of the following are class features of the Raging Crasher.
'''{{#anc:Anchor|Resist Binding}} ([[Ex]]):''' The epic raging charger continues to get bonuses to resist being held down. At level 11 and every 3 levels beyond, the value of the raging charger's Resist Binding increases by 1.
'''{{#anc:Anchor|Damage Reduction}} ([[Ex]]):''' The epic raging charger must be tough to resist the force of crashing. At level 13 and every 3 levels beyond, the value of the raging charger's Damage Reduction increases by 1.
The epic Raging Charger gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic Raging Charger feats) every 5 levels after 10th.
|+ Knowledge Local
! DC || class="left" | Result
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 10 || class="left" | Raging Crashers are barbarians who love to smash into their targets. The strength of a raging crasher is said to increase after a mighty charge.
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 15 || class="left" | Raging Crashers can, and often do, employ the terrain to their advantage. With the ability to move as they attack, they can control the battlefield. In fact, it's hard to get them to stay still.
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 20 || class="left" | Raging Crashers are so powerful they can move mountains, literally. Things many times their size get pushed around like they were men.
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 30 || class="left" | Those who get this level of success can gather information on specific raging crashers, their deeds, and a list of what they can do. The higher the check, the more detailed the information can be, including their history and how they learned to manifest their rage in this form, and tactics.
'''Sample Encounter:''' A cruel minotaur is blocking a trade path, holding it random. Those who do not pass its riddles are pushed off a cliff into a gorge. Can the PCs stop it, without becoming the next victims of the deep and deadly trench?
''EL 18:'' {{:Sphinggo the Gatekeeper (DnD 3.5e NPC)}}
[[Category:Prestige Class]]

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