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As a whole, it seems overpowered when compared to the [[SRD5:Draconic Bloodline]] sorcerous origin.
'''Volcanic Legacy''' vs Draconic Resilience: VL and DR max HP increase is the same. And VL gains speed in place of DR's +2 AC (but DR is restricted to no armor). And VL gains an additional(?) cantrip. If this is not additional, it should be stated as "must choose Mold Earth or Control Flames as one of your cantrips".
'''Forged in Fire''': You gain 2 every other level, and Draconic Bloodline gains no extra spells.
'''Living Cataclysm''' and '''Walk the High Road''' vs Elemental Affinity: LC has a choice of 3 damage types at use, EA has only 1 determined at origin. LC add damage equal to level, EA add damage only equal to Charisma modifier. LC adds Charisma modifier to initiative. EA spend a sorcery point to gain resistance to type determined at origin. WtHR gives environmental immunity to two environments.
'''Crack the Earth''' and '''Terraforming''' vs Dragon Wings: CtE causes damage at cost of reaction (again choice of 3 at use and equal to sorcerer level), plus an additional save vs effect. Terraforming gives non-comat ability to reshape/move stone for a limited time. DW give the ability to fly at cost of bonus action (restriction of no armor).
'''Pyroclastic Flow''' vs Draconic Presence: I assume PF becomes active at 18th level, but does not state so. It gives the following:
* burrow speed of 30.
* resistance to (choice of 3) damage type(s) for 1 sorcerer point
* bonus damage to 3 types of damage attacks with 2 effects (push and prone) on failed save (cost of bonus action)
DP allows you to attempt to charm or frighten a creature at the cost of 5 sorcery points
# Choose either Fire, Lightning, or Thunder damage type at origin for bonus damage and resistance.
# Impose a cost of sorcery points for more of these abilities.
# Reduce the double abilities at 6th and 14th levels
# Change the "Forged in Fire" remove this or change it to allow access to the spells (in place of the sorcerer knowing them). Knowing additional spells is a Warlock ability, not a Sorcerer ability.
All IMHO, --[[User:Rlyehable|Rlyehable]] ([[User talk:Rlyehable|talk]]) 03:20, 6 September 2016 (UTC)