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Exotic Dragon (3.5e Feat)

1 byte added, 04:46, 16 September 2016
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|benefit=Instead of having a normal kind of breath weapon and energy subtype, you have something weirder. Pick one of the following:
*'''Death''': You are immune to negative energy and negative levels. If you are healed by negative energy, you are immune to positive energy instead unless you are healed by it. Your breath weapon deals negative energy damage to living things and heals undead; it uses a Fortitude or Will save (your choice, chosen when you take this feat) for half. You can take elemental spheres as a Shadow Elemental.
*'''Force''': You are immune to all magical [Force] effects that do not exist before interacting with you (e.g. [[SRD:Magic Missile|''Magic Missile'']] and [[SRD:Telekinesis|''Telekinesis'']]), but not [[SRD:Wall of Force|''Wall of Force'']]. Your breath weapon is a force effect and deals force damage, hitting incorporeal creatures automatically and extending onto the ethereal plane.
*'''Heart''': You are immune to mind-affecting effects. Your breath weapon is a mind-affecting effect and does nonlethal damage. Damage reduction does not apply because this is a mental effect. No reflex save is allowed for half damage. Instead, creatures affected must make a Will save against the same DC or be [[Revised_Fear_Effects_(3.5e_Variant_Rule)#Shaken|Shaken]] for 5 rounds.
*'''Light''': You are immune to damage tagged as a [Light] effect. Your breath weapon deals damage as a [Light] effect and dispels darkness effects of up to a spell level equal to half its damage dice and caster level up to its damage dice. It deals double damage to light-sensitive undead and fungi.

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