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Hopeful (3.5e Class)

87 bytes added, 12:39, 16 February 2017
Class Features
'''{{Anchor|Partial Class Advancement}}:''' Hopeful levels stack with levels in one other pre-existing class of your choice (determined each time you take a level of hopeful though you don't need to have the class yet) for the purpose of determining abilities based off class level. For example, you can advance caster level, initiator level, sneak attack, rages per day, and other abilities. You do not gain new abilities granted by your class (including greater and mighty rage), nor do you learn any new maneuvers known or spells known.
'''{{Anchor|Pray}} {{Sp}}:''' As a standard action you can pray for success, allowing you to pull off a tiny miracle. This duplicates the effect of any cleric spell of a level no higher than 1/4th your character level (maximum 5th level spells at 20th, minimum 0th). The DC for these spells is 10 + Spell Level + 1/3 character level. However, the nature of this ability limits it to only working when in a stressful situation where you could not take 10, and you can only pray once every 5 rounds. You may use this ability 1/day, plus another at 4 HD and every four HD beyond. Unlike most spell-like abilities you must still pay any expensive material or XP costs. Lastly, it can only be used for the purposes of succeeding at your current task. The forces that be may deny your prayers if it does not serve this purpose. Such is the fickle nature of prayers.
'''{{Anchor|Second Chance}} {{Ex}}:''' A hopeful can roll twice on any d20 roll they or an ally within 60 ft makes as an immediate action, and take the better result. At first they can only do this 1/day, but it rises to 3/day at 2nd level, and at will at 3rd level.

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