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Hardened Paladin (3.5e Class)

288 bytes removed, 21:28, 20 April 2017
Grey Guard
|special3=Aura of Courage, Divine Health
|special4=Stigmata, Smite Evil 2/day, Turn Undead
|special5=Blinding Sunlight, Divine mightAttack
|special6=Torch Undead, Divine Armor
|special7=Smite Evil 3/day, Divine FlameMight
|special8=Last Rites, bonus feat
|special9=Divine Aid
'''Blinding Sunlight:''' Once per encounter You release a burst of bright sunlight in a 15 ft. radius around you. Anyone within the area (other than you) must become blinded for 1 round.
'''Divine MightAttack:''' As a free action, spend one of your turn undead attempts to add your Charisma bonus to your weapon damage for 1 full round.
'''Torch Undead''' You can spend one of your daily turn undead attempts to shoot out holy flames in a 60-foot cone. All Undead in the area are set on fire. They suffer 1d4 Per 5 levels + Charisma-bonus fire damage each round for a number of rounds equal to half your Grey Guard level along with 1d6 per 2 lvls initial damage.
'''Divine FlameMight:''' By spending one of your turn undead attempts, you A Grey Guard can sheath your weapon replace Her Dexterity modifier to armor class with sacred or profane flame for a number of rounds equal to your Her Charisma bonusmodifier. Your weapon is sheathed in white flames that inflict +1d6 points of sacred damage against evil opponentsArmor penalties still apply. These flames do not give off heat or ignite flammable objectsAt Level 14 She gains A 3/- Damage reduction, though sacred flames give off light equal to a torch. The sacred damage inflicted by Divine Flame Though this is lost if She is unaffected by protection from elements and similar spells and abilitiesunconscious.
'''Divine Armor:''' By spending one of your turn or undead attempts, your armor or body gains a sacred bonus to Armor Class equal to your Charisma bonus for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus. When active, your armor or body glows with divine light in a radius of 5 feet. The bonus provided by Divine Armor is fully effective against incorporeal creatures.

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