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|prereqs=[[Truespeak Fix (3.5e Variant Rule)|Truespeak]] 4 ranks
|fluff=<!-- Any non-mechanical flavor you want to show -->
|benefit=Make a DC 10 [[Truespeak Fix (3.5e Variant Rule)|truespeak]] check, if you succeed you replicate the effect of [[SRD:Produce Flame|''produce flames'']]. If you make a DC 20 [[Truespeak Fix (3.5e Variant Rule)|truespeak]] check you may replicate the effect of [[SRD:Control Flames|''control flames'']] instead. The caster level and manifester level is equal to your ranks in truespeak-3 (or just your ranks for pathfinder).
|example=<!-- If your skill trick has a complicated mechanic, give an example of how it works. -->
|special=The caster level and manifester level is equal A [[Truenamer, Rebuild (3.5e Class)|Truenamer]] may attempt to your ranks in refresh this skill trick as a swift action with a [[Truespeak Fix (3.5e Variant Rule)|truespeak-3 ]] check (or just your ranks for pathfinderDC 15 + 2 per previous activation this encounter). }}</onlyinclude>